The Confession

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I brushed off my dress as I stood up. It was a clear day today. you'd've forgotten all that happened within the past few years. But, no more of that; dwelling on the past which hurts most. I'm gonna move forward. Arthur'd want this. Nay, I want this. I want to move forward. Rather than doing things in his name, I'll do them on my own. Today is that day. I have to tell John. I pray he doesn't turn me down though. 

(John POV)

I paced around back and forth. A mental battle waged in my mind. "You should tell her John" "Now's not the time John", or "She's moved on John" "It ain't right she's still coping with Arthur" I kicked a rock, hoping to let some of that stress go. "You know what?" "I'll go tell ___, I  have to."

No One's POV

John rode back to the camp that he and ___ had set up the afternoon before. 

"Hey ___, wanna go riding with me?" John asked her shyly like a young teenager asking their date to a school dance. 

"Sure thing John!" ___ smiled. 

Her eyes sparkled and she smiled from ear to ear. It set John's heart afire. How he wanted to hold her in that very moment, at that very second. Caught in each other's embrace until sunup. John rubbed the back of his neck at his thoughts. 

___ climbed onto his steed as he sat in the front steering. John felt her hands wrapping around his waist as she held onto him. John led ___ to a small clearing in a forest that he had filled with flowers earlier. there was a waterfall visible behind them. Flower petals fluttered in the wind creating a sort of petal snow. The sun broke through the leaves at the right spots. one could liken it to a scene torn right out of the pages of a fairy tale book. 

John helped ___off of his horse. to which she obliged. 

"Hey, ____"

"Hey John"

They spoke in unison. John blushed bright red. As ___ giggled

"You go first" ___ managed to stammer out. 

John was taken aback. shocked at the outcome. 

"Alright then..." John cleared his throat. The words he had rehearsed so many times in his mind began to falter. He took off his hat and began to fidget with the rim a bit hoping that the words would return to his memory. Unfortunately, they never came or wouldn't quickly enough. 

John mustered as much of his courage as he could. Opening his mouth to speak but quickly closing it as no sound came out. He tried again this time it somewhat worked but what came out wasn't what he intended for it to sound like


___ Stood there in shock. Shocked that John told her so soon. Was she complaining? of course not. 

John had realized what he had done. "I'm sorry ___ we should-"

____ had cut him off with a kiss. A gentle and quick one yes, but still very passionate. It was as if in that one moment, all of __'s unspoken words were suddenly said. 

___ was the first to break the silence. I wanted to tell you that I loved you, John, you make me feel a way that I haven't been able to feel for a while. 

John smiled, relieved to hear what ___ had to say. He pulled ___ close to his chest and tilted her head up, he leaned down a bit and let his lips collide with hers once more. Their mouths melding with each other. Her soft, plump lips felt so nice against his chapped ones. Roughened by work. ___ wrapped her slender arms around John holding her steady as the kiss deepened. The sun setting behind the two lovers. The moon rising over the water casting its mysterious white light as the birds went to sleep and the crickets chirped.  

After what felt like an eternity, their lips separated from one another both now kiss swollen. John looked down into ___'s (eye color) orbs as she looked into his dark chocolate ones. 

there was no sound save for breathing, crickets, and the gentle flow of water from the lake underneath the waterfall. 

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