Chapter 1

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The morning sun is shining bright, giving off the vibe of a beautiful sunny day. A perfect day for the start of a beautiful story. Inside the office of New York city's biggest and tallest building, gracing the chair of Chief Executive Officer is the great, drop dead hot and handsome, heir of the biggest manufacturing company in the country, Jordan Andrew Williamson. With a face like that of a Greek god, perfect body like a Victoria secret model and a beautiful pair of dark blue eyes which can make any woman's go weak on her knees, Jordan was one of the most eligible bachelor in the whole country. Obvious enough, women would throw themselves at him, or even die to get noticed by him.

As the CEO of Williamson. co., his office is located at the top-most floor, of the 50 floor building. Actually the entire floor belongs to him and his assistances. Walking out of the elevator, our eyes are blessed with the most beautiful waiting area ever. There are two huge doors leading to different rooms, the left door leads to the the conference hall while the door on the right, leads to the CEO's office. The huge chocolate brown wooden style door, has the position and the name of the CEO engraved in golden block letters. The interiors of the office scream elegancy, sophistication, and professionalism. The door opens to a huge space, the left of which is like a small living area to entertain clients, while on the right, opposite to the floor to ceiling windows is a huge mahogany color desk from where the CEO rules his empire, taking ruthless and fierce decisions which earns him billions everyday. Yes, he is completely loaded! Basically, the office reflects the personality of it's owner, THE Jordan Andrew Williamson!! sophisticated yet classy. Period.


Jordan Williamson

"Oh god! why do I even pay these fools, they just get on my nerves. Good for nothing fools!!" I pressed the intercom and ordered my P.A., " send Mr. Mathew to my office, right now". Within minutes a man, probably in his late forties and scared as hell, came inside my office, panting.

'Well, he should be scared of me, I am not the happy go lucky boss after all. I don't permit even the smallest mistakes in my work. Everything has to be perfect!' I thought. It was clearly visible on the man's face that he would pee in his pants, anytime soon if I didn't speak.

I stared at him, with my famous cold expression. He shivered and sweat started forming on his forehead.

Well, I like it when they fear me, coz I created this fear in my employs. Don't judge me already, to run a company worth billions, one has to be merciless. You have to prepare yourself for the worst. Hence my policy is pretty clear, "No Nonsense, only work, which has to be PERFECT!!"

"Did you ask for me, Mr. Williamson?" he asked. I maintained my stoic face and spoke in a deadly calm voice, "yes Mr. Mathew, indeed, I did ask, and thank you so much for honoring me with your presence." I spoke, my voice laced with sarcasm which he noticed and immediately knew something was not right.

I continued, "Mr. Mathew, can you please enlighten me what this file is all about?" saying this I threw the file in front of the old man. The man panicked and started blabbering incoherent things. Okay! now I am loosing it, why the hell is this man blabbering like a small kid. "Stop with your blabbering Mr. Mathew or else you will be fired. This so called report, that you have submitted to me is nothing but nonsense, nothing is clear and it has a hell lot of mistakes. Now, I am giving you one day to complete it, either return it back to me after making the corrections within the limited time or do not show your face in this office again. Did you hear me?" I yelled at the man. God! I just HATE tardiness in work!

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