Chapter 2

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*Emerald's Airport look, above*

Emerald Davis


I heard my phone ringing, while I was still in the shower. I finished my business, wrapped a towel around my bare body and walked out to see who is the impatient caller.

I reached my bed and saw the caller id, immediately a smile made its way to my face. Before I could call back, my phone started ringing again and I hit the green button almost immediately.

"Emmyyy!!" came a high pitched voice from the other side of the call. I almost dropped my phone. Almost!

The ranting continued, "What the hell Emmy? Why weren't you picking my calls? Don't tell me you are still sleeping? Get your lazy ass off the bed and go get ready! You can't miss your flight!!!!"

I just rolled my eyes at her comments! 

"Good morning to you too my baby girl!" I spoke calmly

"What is so good about this morning? huh? You haven't reached till now! I can't wait to see you Emmy, come back ASAP! I can just can't wait anymore!!!" She yelled into the phone.

I couldn't stop the giggles that left my mouth, hearing the tantrums of my baby sister!

Yes, she is my one and only younger sister, Erica Davis. Though only a year younger to me, I have always seen her as my baby. Though sometimes, she does act like a spoiled brat! she is such a sweetie pie, but that side of her is only for a few people to know. However, you can't control her if she gets angry. She scares the hell outta us when she is angry! Trust me, you wouldn't want to be on her hit list!!!  

"Hey baby girl, will you please calm down a bit and keep your decibels a little low, coz you are harming my poor eardrums!" I said to her calmly. 

"Emmy! cut the crap!"

I sighed! Huh! " Okay! okay! I was in the shower when you called and hence couldn't pick your call. And "No" I am not sleeping, I am already up, and getting ready for the airport. Even I can't wait to see you all! I have been missing you all so much, all these years!"

"No more emotional drama, you are coming back! Okay I won't take your time now! Go and get ready! Will meet you at the airport Emmy! Have a safe flight! love you sis." She said, luckily she had turned her volume low! Phew!!!

"Love you too baby! see you soon, bye". We hung up after that.

Yes, today I am going back home after 5 freaking years! I have been studying dietetics in London. Well, I am a Nutritionist. After graduation I have been working here only for gaining experience from prominent doctors in this field. My grades were good so I had got the opportunity to work as an intern under Dr. Sandra Perre, she is the best dietitian in the whole world and I feel lucky to have worked under her for the past 2 years. She taught me a lot about nutrition and diet plans.

But now my internship is over and I have decided to go back home, I miss my family so much! though they do visit me one's a year, I want to be close to them, so I decided I will go back to New York and work their. But I will miss London and my cozy apartment!

I come out of my thoughts, got to my closet and grab my clothes. Afterwards. I moved towards the kitchen to prepare something to eat. After having breakfast, I went back to my bedroom and got ready. I am not selling this apartment, I love this place too much, and I'll stay here whenever I come here to visit.

Everything was set. I had already packed my luggage to avoid any last minute mess!

After doing all the final checks and taking a final look at my apartment, I left for the Airport.

After checking in, I was waiting to board the flight when I had this sudden craving for coffee. 

ugh! I badly need a cup of hot coffee!

After getting a cup of coffee, I was moving towards the waiting area when suddenly something caught my attention! Well, to be precise, it was someone on the cover page of a famous magazine that caught my eyes! OMG! how can any person be that good looking! Scratch that, he was hot as hell!! I didn't even realize that I was ogling over a models face, well actually a photo. UHH! Get a hold on yourself Emmy, its just a damn picture! 

'But you do agree he is hot! 'suddenly from nowhere my stupid subconscious spoke. Yes! that he is!  I admitted. But nonetheless, I might never even get to meet him, then what's the point? And with those killer looks he is definitely a heart breaker! DANGER ZONE. PERIOD.

Even after boarding the flight to New York, his face still remained in my head. Their was something about him that caught my attention. I can not pin point, but still. AH! forget it, maybe I am just over thinking.

I thought to distract myself. I called the flight attendant and asked for something to read and she brought me some magazine. While going through them, I cam across the same the face from which I needed a distraction.  

Wow! Looks like somethings are meant to happen! I laughed at the thought. Since I don't have anything else to do, I start to mean.....ahh!! I start to read about him. 

Okay so this is an interview of him. Ohkayy!

He is a good looking man! No scratch that!! He Is a combination of hotness and sex appeal! surely girls would go weak on their knees, just by a look of him! How can someone be so handsome, like a Greek God! Shut up Emmy you are practically drooling over someone's photo! what will happen if you really see him in person! That will definitely not happen, I thought. But I really wish to know the sexy body he must be having behind that three-piece crisp-free black Armani  suit!

AHHHH!! Snap out of it Emmy! He is definitely a playboy.

Yeah, so then stop staring at him like a teenage girl! My subconscious retorts.

Whatever, moving on. 

Oh so he is a business man? I thought he must be a model! 

Okay not just any businessman, he is the youngest billionaire in New York city! Oh and also the heir to Williamson Co. Big shot huh! Well he surely is loaded and hell ya with those looks girls might be worshipping him! Well Though I do like his body!  But for me what matter the most is his character and personality! You can't live with a man solely because he is good looking or rich! Character is important.

But why am I even thinking this way not that I am getting married to him or anything like that!

Whatever, before I end up thinking more about him, I must stop here. I closed the magazine and decided to sleep for the rest of my journey!

After few hours the flight landed, and I took in a deep breath! Well I missed my Home.

I am so excited to see my family! 

New York! My HOME! I am back.

I don't know why, but I do have this feeling that this time, it is going to feel different, in a good way! I might find something that would complete me. I have butterflies in my stomach, just thinking about it. 

Its a weird feeling, but I am liking it for some stupid reasons, even I don't know! 

Lets see, what New York awaits me in it after so long! 

I take my luggage, and move towards the entrance.

Hope you liked it! Will have an update every week! But if I get more views and votes, will make the updates twice a week.

Thank you.


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