Chapter 8 - Consequences

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Kenzo Evans

Today is the meeting to decide what will be done with Le's mother. I can't believe this is happening, for my part, I would rather throw her out of the pack.

"All the people here.  - Affirmed Alpha Davis – "We have witnessed the treatment this woman here gave to her daughter... - add - We suggest subjecting her to a detox program,  and community work. Minor will be removed from the home for as long as we consider necessary."- concluded

- I think she deserves something worse than that"- expressed Zeke, something that doesn't surprise me. Knowing him, the least he wants to do is give her community service, Everyone looks to him for a suggestion - why do we have to keep someone who harms her daughter? What would she be capable of doing to our packs? Do we need to wait for more harm to do something? - add with energy gaining the sympathy of the people there. This would not end in great shape. I nodded my head and continued listening
- we can kill her - he says while getting closer to Leyla's mother, everyone gaps in surprise. Something that is not supposed to happen cause we are known for our rudderless. Don't get me wrong I think we are the softest pack in the world but we have to keep our appearance
- or torture her as she made with her daughter —- making emphasis on the word daughter.

*You need to stop
*I'm just starting
*She is her mother and no matter how bad she is, she will always be her mother- he just rolled his eyes
*I know, I know.

- We understand this it's unforgivable, but we want the best for every member of our pack and that includes Mrs. Adelaide. - Establish Alpha Davis

Jax was looking at Zeke like the daddy's little boy he was, making it worse.
Aramis took control over Zeke, I looked at my father who looked in confusion, I ran trying to calm Zeke's wolf, but he got through Jax first, pushing him towards the wall and staring into his eyes with all the hatred that ran through him.

-DON'T FUCK WITH ME BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW ME YET. It's the third time that I have warned you, there will be no repairs. Oh, and I don't care if she's your girlfriend or not, she'll soon be off,  anyway. - he told him out loud and threw him to the ground, lifted his face, and shaking his clothes walked out like taking out of a slow-motion scene.

- "My pack and I came in peace, but I will not let ANYONE get in our way, especially MINE, oh And when I say ANYONE, is ANYONE" – with an Alpha voice, directing his gaze to Jax, poor thing, doesn't know what he's doing. I need to talk with Eve.

- "Having said that, I suggest Miss Adelaide can receive that sentence while we wait for Lena's recovery, It's not that it would be so easy and we must remember that within everything she's still her mother. The verdicts should vary according to the clinical condition of the victim."- our father suggested while looking everyone in the eye, They were stunned by what had just happened; without elaborating on what happened

- "I agree with Alpha Frederick's suggestions, does anyone have any other suggestions?" - asked Luna Aurora

Since no one had an objection, the sentence was given, and everyone went out to continue with their jobs.

I went to see my lovable mate. I'm wondering if we can't make a bit of time to use and to talk about our new relationship. Also, I want to ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend. This week has passed like crazy, she's a romantic one. I can make her ashamed of me. I have to try my best so I can make her proud of her handsome and wonderful mate.

-Hey babe- and gave her a kiss
-Oh hey, where you have been?
- Oh doing stuff around, you know our father doesn't take his eyes off us. - She start laughing - you know I was wondering if you want to come on a date?- Her eyes were like puppy eyes and started screaming and jumping saying yes. Hahaha, this is love my friends.

I take her to dinner, and we talk about life, about our goals. Especially how we are gonna make things work. I don't want to Mark her just now, I want her to be sure and want her to wait. It's not gonna be easy but we can do it. I see her relax after everything going on, we hug, we kiss and we spend the night cuddling. This is life.

I don't want the night to end, but this is also life.

- I Respet you Eve with all the force in me, but if your brother keeps messing with Zeke he would not hesitate to do something. He's been holding it because you are my mate.- She understands me

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