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She's the quiet one
The one who watches from the sideline
The one who isn't assertive for the fear of rejection
She watches the rest of the team achieve and follow their dreams
Motivates and encourages them
Because she understood what it's like to feel uninspired
In pull
On many occasions she's had to lift herself up,
 nurture her inner child on her own to keep the little one at play,
Those before her who shared the same blood, didn't understand that.
She watched as they lived the life they THOUGHT was given to them, 
Little did they know they were the ones who had the most power to change it
In pull 

Felt like the burden at times, 
In the way. 
All she was trying to do was paint her town,
Paint it with the rainbow,
Show the world around her that there isn't gold but eternal happiness at the end of the rainbow.
That if you just open your mind and let the pain go, 
you'll be at peace and protected from any paled soul. 
You'll find that you haven't just lit up the corner, but the entire room.
In pull

She no longer had ears,
 for her friends had talked them off and they'd bled from the heaviness shared 
Carried the emotions of her loved ones on her shoulders to relieve them of their pain 
Loved them so much she retrieved their pain so that they may never feel it again
In pull
She no longer puts herself on the backburner
She's learned from her OWN cooking experiences that things on the back burner get forgotten, 
Take longer to cook, 
Need little attention
Not anymore
In Pull, 

She now knows that SELF LOVE is the best love,
The real eternal love,
The love that will take her the farthest in life
She values her love for herself more than anyone else
In Pull, 

Best believe she has been through it, she has a story, 
She doesn't let the past determine her future,
Or the opinion of another deter from her passion, her purpose.
In pull

She now understands that it's okay to be the quiet one.
The one who watches from the sidelines.
She is now assertive because her voice matters, 
She continues to watch the entire team achieve their dream while encouraging them, 
Because like I said before she overstood, what it felt like to be uninspired
Doesn't mean that she to continues to overstand, 
Instead she became the inspiration she awaited to find her. 
In Pull, 

She is me, She is all that I will continue to be. 

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