"Don't you ever let no one make you be quiet."

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Yea, I'll go ahead and be quiet
But just know that you've taken away my voice before I even had the chance to use it
Taken away my freedom of speech by telling me to speak anything other than the truth
Asking me to lie to my loved ones as long as I was protecting you
Me, what about me?
Ever think about how your decisions could possibly later on a effect me?
You see I've learned that the choices of the adults affect the little ones later
Baby girl prays and cries hoping it's just a now thing until later she realizes she has to pay her attention to the the unattended wounds she tried so hard to ignore later
She figured that if she covered it up with the happiness it'd go away until she conformed to the world around her and they took her happiness away
Then came the amour that no one could strip away
They recognized her power before she and saw that she was above average
But soon enough in her head she got the impression that she was below average
How wrong was she
It had finally dawned on her that she was the greatest they'd ever seen
She looked in the mirror and saw the fire in her own eyes
She began to pay more attention to the eyes of those around and saw that their souls sat dormant waiting for a jump start
Just her presence alone would set their souls on fire
So with every person she'd lay it on a little thick because she knew not every person's response to her approach would be her ideal pick
You see In the past she only felt below average because her mind and spirit ran so deep
But now she innerstands herself and that that is something she should value to keep

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