Your name?

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"This is the final boarding call for passengers on flight 372 to B city.Please proceed to gate 14immediately. Thank you."

Jian Kang Lu raises his head slightly and looks at gate 14, he just watches the people queuing into the boarding gate. His eyes didn't show any emotion, and stared over the gate. He didn't like to stand there with a bunch of people. He decided to wait until only a few
people left, and then stand up to board his plane.

He looks at his elegant watch, the flight is on time. Jian Kang Lu dressed casually since this is a short and simple vacation. He wore a plain long sleeve sky blue shirt, the sleeve rolled into his elbow. Paired with dark blue jeans and white-pale blue sneakers, he looks elegant though simple.

He had short hair and nice hands. His nails are short and round. One of the requirements from his work is to have short and clean nails. Jian Kang Lu is charming, not a kind of divine handsome man, but definitely 8 out of 10 people will say that he's handsome, despite
their gender.

He has to admit this short vacation is nothing special, since he is just alone without any companion to enjoy W city. But to spend 5 days of free time without having to think about his patient, or receiving non stop calls and messages from hospital, is such a rare pleasure for him.

At his age, most of his acquaintances are already married and have family of their own. Even his younger brother is already married and has a son. His friends are bound to have vacation with their own little family. Almost 36
year old, Jian Kang Lu is still single.

He shows his boarding pass to the flight attendant and starts to look for his own seat. He didn't manage to get a business class seat since this is a peak season and he booked his ticket last minute. He just hoped he didn't get a seat next to an annoying person. Luckily he
managed to check in earlier from his mobile phone, and still got a window seat. His favorite seat. He'll be pissed off if he got the middle seat.

He found his seat, and planned to give one of his professional smile to excuse himself to get on his seat. The aisle and middle seat 'The aisle and middle seat are already occupied. A young girl sits in the aisle, and a young man sits in the middle.

"Excuse me, sorry to bother both of you. My seat is in the window, apologized for this hassle."

The young girl stood up and smiled back at him. "It's okay"

The young man raised his head. and then stood up following the girl beside him to give space for Jian Kang Lu. When that young man looked up to him and moved his body next to him, Jian KangLu's heart skipped a beat.

This young man is cute.

This boy definitely is not a stunning pretty boy that will attract people at first sight, but there's something in him that made Jian Kang Lu's heart beat faster when he saw him at this moment.

His black hair looks so smooth like satin, with bangs covering his eyebrow. His white skin looks pale, contrasting with his black hair. His
eyes are typical asian eyes. Not a perfect phoenix eyes, but gives warmth to people around him. His straight nose complemented his facial structure, and his pale pink lips..

That lips definitely look so enchanting. Not a sensual lips, but made Jian Kang Lu wonder, how that lips feels when he bite him. His height is slightly shorter than Jiang Kang Lu, maybe around 174 cm, since his own height is 182 cm.
His body looks proportional though a bit thin under his black T-shirt. His body is not a muscular type, but looks just fine. His slender hand brushed Jian Kang Lu arms when he passed him to give spaces.

It only took 5 second for Jian Kang Lu to move immediately to his seat. He doesn't like to wait, so he is sensible enough rushing to sit in his own seat. He doesn't want to obstruct the people behind him. When he put his safety belt, the young man already sat back next to him and started to put on his own safety belt.

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