The Smile

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It's 6.45 pm when Jian Kang Lu arrived at Huxiang. The restaurant is small, with the trace of time staining the walls outside. The
inside is still as clean as ever, though a little bit old. With a square black wood table and few
calligraphy paintings on the wall. There's a stove in the middle of each table and already quite crowded inside the restaurant.

This Huxiang is really popular among university students, especially at the beginning until 3rd week each month. The price is still friendly for students, but not  many of them still can afford to eat leisurely at the end of the month. The taste is one of the best around
the other restaurant. But the price really doesn't lie.

The hotpot restaurant he brought his kitten last week cost 5-10 times more than this restaurant. Because that hotpot restaurant is the classy one with a private room, highest
quality ingredients, and best grade of wagyu beef.

But still, coming back to Huxiang, made him feel nostalgic about his youth. When everything is hard back then seems so simple now. He realized how much he changed in the last 18 years. He wished he could come back when everything is so simple, and lead a simple happy life.

He looked at the counter and found that the man behind the cashier already turns into a
grandpa. His white hair looks a bit thin, and his face already has wrinkles around. But his eyes still look sharp as ever, and his hand works fast separating each order and bill.

He walks towards the counter and greets him.

"Hello Uncle Zhang. Do you still remember me?"

The old man raised his face and looked at him, and his eyes showed him a disbelief expression. He looks like trying to make sure he guessed right.

"Kang Lu?? Is it really you? How many years already since the last time you came here? 6 or 7 years?"

Jian Kang Lu smiled and leaned to the counter.

"Uncle Zhang's memory is still the best. I think it's 6,5 years. I should conduct some research about the ingredients of this restaurant. Which one makes your brain retain their memory fresh even after this many years."

"You little brat! Why have you never visited me again after this long time? Did you get bored
eating at my place now when you finally became such a famous doctor?"

"Uncle, don't tease me. I'm not famous. You're the one that's famous. Almost all T university
alumni and students know you. How are you? And where's auntie? I missed her too."

"Don't try to seduce my wife again. I've been working hard to win her heart back since you left. She already plans to leave me immediately if you want to take her away. Luckily today she's not in town. She visit our grandson in H
city until Mid Autumn festival finished."

"Ah, too bad. And here I am ready to kidnap our Goddess to my humble cave."

Uncle Zhang pounced on Jian Kang Lu's shoulder. "Don't you start to repeat those dark times again. Why do you look like you never aged after these years? I'm the one who needs your youth elixir. Look at my white hair and wrinkles now."

"Uncle! Since when did you start to learn those sweet talks? If I don't know you, I'll believe those sweet words for real"

"I learn from you, stinky brat! I had to learn or my wife will keep  pestering me. You came here to eat? Are you waiting for Luo Yan and Zhuo Ying?"

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