White Bucopa

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This cafe inside the hospital is one of Jian Kang Lu's favorite places. With many potted plants inside and a small bucket of white bacopa on the table, create a clean and fresh environment in this hospital. Not many cafe put white bucopa as their main flower decorative. With big and wide white windows, made the visitor forget that this is still inside a hospital.

The menu is simple western food with excellent coffee. No wonder the coffee addict or the night shift hospital worker loved to order here Fanerially their anerial from the dark roast arabica beans. It has deep, full bodied flavor and notes of caramelized sugar. With that subtle note, the after taste of pure black coffee doesn't have any bitter lingering feeling.

In the corner of the cafe, the autumn sun gives the light gold speck at Jian Kang Lu's hair. His
soft short black hair slightly shifted to the left, showing his smooth forehead and straight eyebrows. His slender finger holding the tablet which showed the CT scan result of their discussed patient today. He's pointing at the part of adrenal adenoma which confirms their
diagnosis of Conn's syndrome.

"As you can see, it will be quite challenging to find this with CT scan only. If you want to make this as your selective case, you need to
do the selective adrenal arteriography or dexamethasone supprresediodocholesterol
adrenal scan too. But in the clinical field, to diagnose you only need the elevated aldosterone level and hypokalemia along with the symptoms before you decide to do CT scan or other imaging. And never underestimate the friendly conversation with your radiology colleague to achieve a comprehensive CT result."

His residents record their conversation so they don't need to be busy writing notes. They can
play the recording later while reviewing the patient chart again. This Saturday round was spent to discuss more about the patient in the ward. After all, Jian Kang Lu didn't give them much time last week.

Today, his kitten promised to treat him in the hotpot restaurant near T university. Jian Kang Lu asks for dinner time, since he still remembers the pale face of his residents when he abandons them for his lunch date. He doesn't have the heart to forsake them again.

He treats his residents for lunch in this cafe. After they finished lunch and discussion, it was already 3 O'clock in the afternoon. He
prepares to say goodbye while asking the waiter to give the bill. One of his residents suddenly asked.

"Doctor Jian, how's your lunch date last week?"

The other residents start to lit their eyes and ask the same question. "Yes Doctor Jian, you
don't have any lunch date again today? When can Change goddess graciously bless us with her appearance?"

Now they have confidence that they can pass the Monday round alive, their curiosity starts to emerge and shamelessly ask a bunch of questions about their superior love life. If this is their other superior, they won't have an
ounce of courage to ask these kinds of things.

Jian Kang Lu laughed and opened his mouth to answer. But before his voice emerged, suddenly
there's a woman's voice behind his back asking him with an amused and teasing tone.

"Well well well.. Is this because Mid Autumn is coming soon so Chang' Goddess finally decided to descend down to earth? Can this Change blessed me too? Or you want to keep her privately for you  only to see? Don't be a stingy
donkey ass. I swear I'll send every patient I had with slightly elevated creatinine to you if you let her get back to the moon before I can see

Jin Kang Lu looked back to see Wang Mingyu's bright face blinking her round eyes behind
those turtle frame glasses. She crossed her arms and looked like a teacher scolding their naughty students. She's his university friend, and doing the residency in the same hospital. But Wang Minoyu chose endocrinologv as a
subspecialty while Jian Kang Lu chose nephrologist.

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