Cedar Wood

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"Hey, you just arrived?" Jian Kang Lu asked his kitten.

His kitten nodded his head, and then raised his finger to point at the mobile phone that still lingered around Jian Kang Lu's ear.

Sun Hongjia keeps silent on the end of the line. Jian Kang Lu then said back to him.

"Sorry brother, i have an appointment today, and my friend just came. I'm flattered you guys
think about me. But it's nothing like you guys worried about. So don't think too much. Let me call you back later, okay?"

"Okay, call me back later when you're free."

At the line of the phone, Sun Hongjia kept silent while staring at his phone. His son and his daughter are still pestering him and asking why they can't speak to their uncle Jian. He definitely can hear that different tone of Jian
Kang Lu's voice when talking to the other person that he can't see nor hear the voice. It's been so long he didn't hear Jian Kang Lu
doting tone. It seems that the vacation to W city definitely brings something new to his best friend's life.

He's glad, but now he is really curious about that person. He doesn't even know the gender of that person. He knows his best friend is gay. But he has also had relationships with women before. But considering his best friend's past, Sun Hongjia was 70% sure that this person must be a man. No woman ever made Jian Kang Lu can speak with that tone.

He just doesn't know if this is the best for his best friend. Sun Hongjia still remembers Jian Kang Lu's state when he broke up with his last boyfriend. He knows how hard for gay couple in this country, doesn't even mention how Jian
Kang Lu's job need to make him appear respectable. It will be hard for him to have this kind of relationship with a happy ending.

He just hopes the best for his best friend. Because he knows how good Jian Kang Lu is as a person.

Jan Kang Lu then hung up the phone, and put the phone back in his pocket. He tilt his head to look at his kitten, and can't help to think why his kitten looks even cuter compared to the first time he met him. He starts to wonder
whether he turns into a pervert uncle that likes to eat fresh meat. This is the first time he took
interest in someone much younger than him.

"Do you want to have lunch first or just straight wandering around to accompany me choose the gift?"

"This is still 11 o'clock, maybe we can choose the gift first?"

Jian Kang Lu nod, "Okay. What do you think is the best gift for a new university student nowadays?"

Both of them then walk towards the mall.

His kitten answered him back assume this is a male student right? Which department he

"Medical faculty!"

"Hmm.. I didn't really know what medical faculty students need. I have no friends in that
department. He must be really smart."

"Yeah, his father is one of the youngest person to become a professor. No wonder his son
chose the same field as him.

There was a five second of silence before his kitten replied. "I do remember you said that his father is your colleague. Are you a doctor also?"

"Yes I am. Doesn't look like one, does it ?"

His kitten gives him a surprised face while his phoenix eyes get rounder and stare at him. Then his kitten smiled and chuckled a bit. "Yes, you don't look like a doctor"

"Then what do you think my job was?" Jian Kang Lu tease him.

"Hmm.. I was guessing that you work as white collar worker, or  have your own business. Or maybe even in the entertainment industry''

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