well maybe they aren't all bad ...

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"are we starting this introduction thing or what..."


Nyoko's pov

kakashi sweat dropped at my comment before awkardly rubbing the back of his neck and pointing at naruto.

"you blondie your up 1st." he spoke as if i hadn't said anything making me twitch in annoyance, but i kept my cool not wanting to start something again.

"my names naruto uzamaki, my likes are eating ramen and my dislikes are the 3 minutes you have to wait for the ramen to cook, my hobbies are comparing different ramens and my dream is to become the best hokage ever!!!" naruto practically yelled for everyone to hear. "your brother's giving me a headache." Hiro-kun complained. " what do you want me to do about it naruto is naruto and no one will change that." i spoke truthfully, and i was going to make sure of that. "i suppose your right..." Hiro-kun trailed off. 

coming back into the real world i relised i missed sakura's introduction and sasuke had almost finished his meaning only i was left. 

(play music from here)

"well then that just leaves you Nyoko, introduction please." kakashi gave me a nervous closed eye smile. "fine, my names Nyoko namikaze uzumaki i like my brother, trainning, talking to Hiro-kun and art, my dislikes are fangirls/boys and bratty stuckup kids who think they know what it's like living in my world, my hobbies are drawing, training and listening to music,lastly my dream is to have friends and help them achieve their dreams,i want to be able to forgive and forget." i spoke the truth and only the truth. they wanted an introduction so they got one.

"damn kid that was deep." "oh shut it datterbane, they asked for a introduction so i gave them one and to be honest i didn't see a reason to lie to them either." "jeez kid... but still." sometimes i wish Hiroaki wouldn't comment on everything i do but i guess it's like having an older annoying brother.

"i know you love me kid and HEY I'M NOT ANNOYING I'M JUST TOO FAB FOR YOU!!!" the bird spoke loudly and proudly i guess i should add. "more like giving me a headache." i murmered under my breath. during the time i had spoke with Hiro-kun i had missed what kakashi had said,although i'm sure naruto would fill me in later. 

i barely registered kakashi saying we could leave with all the yelling in my head between me and hiro-kun.

walking away i made my way to the trainning grounds i had some pent up stress to release and the trainning dummies were gonna be fired at,literally!!! standing in the clearing i focused and allowed myself to relax and absorb energy from the world around me. once done i opened my eyes and unleased 4 shurikens upon the targets all hitting major organs or arteries. with my mind clear and free from thoughts i danced through my trainning. 

spinning at a fast pace maybe even faster than the hyuygas rotation i flung 8 kunai 2 on each side of the shurikens. spinning again i made handsides for my new jutsu i had been working on. boar, dog, boar, snake, ram, dragon,fox and bam. i had completely disappeared in the dust created by my spinning. in actual fact i was now the wind and completely invisable from the world my unusually usual large chakra supply undetectable to even the most skilled shinobi. this technique was more for spying or collecting information, all i had to do now was make a clone as i spin and hide my chakra within the clone but reachable for me.

releasing the jutsu i stopped to regain the chakra i had lost even though i had hardly made a dent in my chakra supply i liked to keep it full. once i had regained my chakra i started spinning while doing so i made a perfect clone and did the same handsigns for my wind style jutsu i call silent breeze; boar, dog, boar, snake, ram, dragon and finally fox. once the dust cleared all anyone would see was my clone. now i need to do this without spinning and creating a dust cloud. deciding to see if i could move my clone and make it act and talk like me and it worked completely great!!!

with that i headed home naruto was most likely worried and i didn't want to worry him anymore especially since i said i'd be back before dark and it's dark now.

reviewing my day i realised even though i had run off and didn't listen much i found that my team weren't that bad especially after hearing my introduction walking home i found myself wondering if maybe things would change for the better and maybe just maybe for once i wouldn't be alone that maybe i could have a.... "a friend..."


hey guys sorry for the late updates and my constant author's notes but i do have a lot on my plate but i was wondering if anyone was intrested in becoming a co author so that i can get updates up quicker and we get some gaara action.

although i have the actual plot i have in mind it still needs some work.

and let's just say it will either be a sad or happy ending deciding on what i feel like and then if i have a co writer they can write an alternate ending if they want. anyway stay safe and don't take drugs AND PLEASE don't eat carrots because no they don't help you see in the dark it is a LIE, A LIE I TELL YOU!!!!!

also the song has no relations to the story but i just really like it.


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