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team seven : haruno sakura, uzumaki naruto, uchiha sasuke and namikaze Nyoko.

okay so ive got naruto on my team and AWWWWWWW COME THE EVER LOVING RAMEN ON.


eugh this team sucks i mean really...

naruto hates sasuke

sakura hates naruto

sasuke and sakura hate me

i hate sauske and sakura

naruto likes sakura

i like naruto because he's my brother

and well sasuke hates sakura

sakura loves sasuke

was this team thought threw properly or did hokage sama just go oh i don't know lets just put people who hate each other in the same team, and hope they get along. well no thats is most likely never gonna happen ever.

"y'know your hokage must be stupid, who puts people who hate each other together in a team, although if you look at it this way your team will be rather amusing if you just watch." Hiroaki stated.

"i guess your right maybe this isn't so bad i mean i got naruto so atleast someone in my team likes me, not that i care. i just won't help them, well maybe naruto."  i replied to him.

i came out of my mind scape after that and watched as everyone left for lunch. knowing naruto he was proberly trying to eat lunch with sakura. i decided to stay in the class room to eat, not like i can sit next to anyone they'll just run off. "oi Nyoko aren't you gonna go eat lunch with naruto today." iruka offered a small smile. most jounin liked me and so did some chunin beacuse they knew unlike naruto i got no choice with having the beast sealed in me because i was born with him already sealed in me. the other kids just didn't let me explain. iruka was one of the chunin who didn't hate me. "no he is most likely trying to eat lunch with sakura, iruka sensei." i chuckled. iruka was the only teacher i respected mainly because he did not hate me or naruto and he had one the the most biggest hearts i've ever seen it's people like him that keep my faith in humanity.

"so you still think everyones gonna come round then 'miss i don't care' huh." Hiro-kun chimed."no i don't care at all but i wish they would at least be nicer than they are y'know." i replied pointedly, putting up a charaka barrier so i didn't have to talk to him any more.

soon enough the bell rang signaling everyone back to class. turns out i was right about naruto trying to sit with sakura at lunch. he had cloned himself as sasuke after 'capturing' the real sasuke. i knew this because it was all naruto kept talking about once he took his seat. while naruto was jabbering on sakura and sasuke walked in. as she walked past sakura glared at me, so i glared back with the force of all the 10 tails on Hiro-kun's body making her cower away like a baby towards sasuke.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip from bob~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

after about an hour or so of waiting naruto got bored and decided to set a trap for our new sensei. i already knew who our sensei was because what other jounin is late to everything, i also knew that in five ... four ... three ... two ... 'boom' kakashi walked in and was hit on the head with the chalk board eraser, naruto had placed on the door. laughing i turned to kakashi and said " oi kakashi i think your losing your touch, i mean really come on." i giggled at kakashi's face as he glared at me half heartedly.

"oh Nyoko so your in my team then, this should be fun or not, depending on how much ramen you eat plus the total of ramen your brother eats." kakashi deadpanned. i laughed at our new 'sensei' and replied "aww are you still sore about when i ate soooooooooo much ramen you had no money left." i exaggerated. "yes i am, but anyway how about we meet up on the roof and introduce our selves." after that kakashi poofed away to the roof of the academy building. sighing i was the 1st to stand up and walked towards the door, naruto getting where i was going and followed after me. begrudgingly the other two followed my brothers and my lead. when we got to the stair well i let my gaze travel up, beacuse right now i did not want to walk up them so i decided to do a quick lesson on poofing places.

"oi Hiro-kun wanna teach me how to poof somewhere and if you don't i'll make being sealed inside me more unbearable than naruto." i yelled.  The great bird replied instanly and told me who to do it. laughing in my head at Hiroaki's desperation i thanked him, who only grumbled in return. Deciding i spent too long in my mind scape i poofed to the roof and made it before the other three. a small gasp of suprise made me turn, isaw kakashi with a wide eye. looking at him i chuckled before saying "really kakashi your that suprised when you know i'm way ahead of the others in my team for a certain reason." kakashi's eye returned to normal after my minuscule speech which was in reality just a sentence. kakashi's gaze became stern and he replied "yes i know what you mean but what worries me is that you let him train you which might allow him to take over"  my mood changed drastically after kakashi said this my eyes turned stone cold to match my mood, there was no hiding the fact i was mad, no furious.

"if anything kakashi Hiroaki helps me become stronger and stop me from getting mad enough to let him out, he still has some reason left in him and is not how he is portrayed but you wouldn't understand because he isn't sealed inside of you." i huffed, before jumping on the railings looking back i saw naruto, sasuke and sakura coming through the doors, glaring at kakashi i icily hissed "i'm going to see the hokage at least HE understands unlike some others" with that i jumped off the railings ignoring the calls of naruto and kakashi telling me to come back and explain what happened.

naruto's pov

walking up the stairs after Nyoko poofed off we heard kakashi- sensei and Nyoko talking but then i heard Nyoko and she sounded mad, which made me hurry because she's unpredictable when she's mad. once we made it too the doors i saw Nyoko on the railing and a guilty looking kakashi listening to my deadly sister speak, the last thing i heard her say before jumping off was "i'm going to see the hokage at least HE understands unlike some others." with that she jumped off into the distance. 


hey guys hope you like the update i know you really wantedand i just want to thank you for reading i honestely wasn't expecting any reads, i was about to just take the story down but then you guys read it and wanted more so here you are more out soon maybe by the weekend bye bye.

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