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Sometime in the past

When wars were raging

And hatred grew as fast

As growing old, aging,

There was a kingdom

Laconia, it was called.

Ruled by a warrior

Laconic, he was.

For he, in the face of trouble,

Acted not just brave and strong,

But also wise and subtle.

The enemy king of Macedonia,

He was rich and boastful.

He was so assured of his win,

He sent a letter to the enemy,

"If I get past

Your guards and soldiers,

Your city and you wouldn't last

For I'll burn you down to embers."

To this, the laconic king's

Reply was just one word

Which showed that you need not just wings

But also brains to fly high like a bird.

His reply,


Thus emerged the word Laconic,

From the terse and smart king

And being brief and concise

Is the word's meaning. 

Author's Note

I've heard of a story where there was this American president who's so silent and not loquacious that people got to calling him 'silent Cam'<if that's his name>. Not to his face, of course, but that was his title. A journalist decided to make him more talkative, so she met him at a club, where he was his usual taciturn self. She started a conversation, but he wasn't the most reactive, of course. So she said,

"I've made a wager with my friend that I'll get you to talk more than two words today."

To this, his reply was...

Can you guess a smart and terse answer?


His reply was, 

"You lose."

This president was laconic.




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