Being a Bee in a Beehive

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If I were a bee

In a hive full of honey

I'd want to spend all my time

Eating the heavenly sweetness

But alas! Duty calls

So I've to relinquish

And go do chores

Serving the queen

I roam and roam

All day long

When I reach home

I launch into a song

For I've done my work

Buzzing from flower to flower

Collecting without consuming

Annoying a random stranger

Now it's time for my deserts

All the bees assemble

To get their respective desserts

I get mine, a happy bowl full

Now I rest

For I would need it

When I'd go on another quest

I lay now, my mouth still sweet...

Author's Note

Imagination is a powerful power.

Just imagine being a beautiful bee in a  beehive.

What'd you do? How'd you spend your day? Would you be an obedient li'l bee, serving the Queen? Or would you be rebellious and lazy?

P.S. <not sure if that's what I shud use here>

anyone notice the 'deserts' nd 'desserts'?? yup, it wasn't a typo; if you know the meaning of both, you'd understand the reference ;]

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