I love you too

59 12 11

you say, "I love you too"

but do I want to know how much you really do?

to me, my love for you,

is as much as all the oceans in this world.

but to you, I'm afraid,

it's just the oceans on a map.

I keep telling myself it's still an ocean

though I'm fooling no one

until not even myself.

getting back up takes aeons...

but get back up I do.

still, just that I can recover

doesn't mean I've to keep falling over

'cause after a while, it gets tiring

eventually, my spirit will start complaining.

I used to be too lazy to hate

but later, I'll be too lazy to live,

let alone give love.

~I think this relates well to Tessa, don't you think?~

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