kim bunny as sadako

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Haechan and Bunny were in minion duty. The two best friends had known each other since they were young. Bunny always loved minions and both of them decided that it would be fun to spend the session together. Lee Haechan watched as Bunny plunged the minion into the bucket, Haechan scrubbing the minion before Bunny lifted it up to rinse it.

"What about Lee Jeno do you like so much?" Haechan asked, Bunny sighing. It was another of his love-talk sessions, his best friend making a face at him. "It's an ongoing cycle you know? You do one thing and he rejects you but the next week, you end up liking him all over again."

"But don't you think we'd make a great couple?" Bunny asked, beaming at Haechan who shook his head. He had rolled his sleeves up and she paused at his lack of hesitation. "Damn, at least think about it."

"Jeno is Jeno, Bunny. He cares about no one other than himself. Scratch the fact that he's rather quiet and refuses to speak." Haechan dunked another minion into the bucket, the minion gasping for air before a string of profanities left its small mouth. "Sorry, Grumpy."

He threw Grumpy the minion to Bunny, the female catching it and toweling it with a white cloth.

"I just think it's an obsession," Haechan told his best friend truthfully, Bunny gasping at his words. "Bunny, you have a solid fan base. Sixty percent of your fan base are guys!"

She kept silent. Bunny knew when Haechan was right. She had no idea why she liked Jeno so much.

"Besides, did you even reply to Taichi?" Haechan asked, Bunny shaking her head. She told him she had no idea how to speak Japanese. Taichi was a member of a team in Japan. He had a crush on Bunny and had emailed her in broken Korean. She, however, hadn't got time to reply to the Japanese male. "That's an excuse. You can always ask Shotaro."

"But he's not Jeno."

"No one can be Jeno, Bunny," Haechan told her when there was a yell, the main fighter looking up to see his partner sprinting towards him. The day was already ending, Haechan wondering what Mark was doing outside the confines of their dorm room. Mark had an obsession with guitars these days and usually this time, he would be strumming chords. "Mark?"

"Guys! Guys..." Mark huffed, stopping in front of Haechan before he lifted up his phone. "Look."

Haechan squinted at the screen, Bunny standing up and forgetting Sleepy the minion that was drowning in the bucket. She winced when she realized what she had done, throwing the minion to the side when she stepped closer to her friends.

Black Shadow on Instagram had posted a new photo. It was of Haechan and Jaemin. Haechan was half-naked, Haechan's jaw-dropping down. He pointed at the photo. It was a photo that was sneakily taken and Jaemin was sitting on the bench.

"This is it! Black Shadow is definitely a player!"Haechan said and Bunny nodded. "This is not good. Who else knows?"

"Who else knows? Dude, Instagram now has 12900 followers." Mark paused. "You know what's worse?"

"What?" Haechan asked, Mark pressing his lips together.

"What, Mark?" Bunny asked.

"Headmaster Kyungsoo knows. He's asking all players to meet in the arena."

"At this time?" Haechan asked and Mark nodded. "Holy shit. What's going to happen now?"


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