group confessions (4/6)

412 16 4

part 4: baby fever

"okay, y/n, calum, come here this is important. we need to talk.", sierra said.

"what's going on?", you asked confused.

"we need to sort this thing out because with all the travelling for tour it can't be healthy.", luke filled in for sierra.

"okay what is this about? just tell us already.", calum said, just as confused as you were.

"so, y/n, calum, is there anything you might want to tell us?", michael questionned.

"no, why.", you answered confused.


"no, just tell us what this is about?"

"y/n, have you eaten anything unusual in the past few days?", ashton continued the interrogation.

"nothing different from you guys, except calum's mom's lasagna, which is to die for by the way. but why?"

"and calum had that too?"

"yeah.", calum answered, just as confused as you were.

"just a casual question here, but uhm how sexually active are y'all?", crystal asked.

"excuse me, why would you need to know that.", you bursted out in laughter.

"it's none of your business.", calum added.

"wait omg you guys don't think you heard us or something like that right?"

"no, thank god, that's not it.", luke laughed.

"can you guys just tell us what this is about? it's starting to get annoying.", calum snarled starting to feel very pissed.

"okay, so you've been acting sick all week, tired, dizzy, sometimes you even throw up in the morning. if you combine all of that together.... might need a pregnancy test.", sierra explained.

"oh my god, no I am not pregnant at all, this is just all the jet lags catching up. I swear I am on birth controll. I thought you guys had a serious issue with us.", you laughed.

"so no babies?", luke spoke fairly sad.

"no luke, no babies."


i am so sorry it took me this long to update, i had an internship and was too tired to have time to write, but i'm back now hiiiii

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