Hotel sex

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Lena awoke to the sound of running water and an empty bed. She ran her hand over Kara’s side of the mattress and could tell from the residual body heat she must have only recently gotten in the shower. 

Stepping out of bed, her feet landed in a tangled mess of clothes. The lanyard of Kara’s press pass hooked over her toes and she couldn’t help but smile. For once, Kara had gotten in later than she had. Lena had to miss the conference’s wrap party to take a client to dinner, so Kara had gone alone and from the look of it, got back to the hotel exhausted.

She crossed the soft carpet and cracked open the bathroom door.

“Kara?” she called out.

“Hey! Good morning!” Kara’s voice bounced off the walls. Lena stepped into the room, breathing in the steam as she moved through her morning rituals. Reflected in the mirror, she watched the outline of Kara’s body through the fogged glass.

“How was the party?”

“It was good! Long though. I didn’t realize how late it was until I left.”

“I guess you had a good time then.”

“Yeah! But I’m happy it’s all over. No more work! Vacation time has officially started.”

Lena’s laughter was slightly muffled while she brushed her teeth. “So, any requests for the first day of our vacation?”

“Food,” Kara deadpanned. “I need breakfast so bad it’s not even funny.”

Lena struggled rinse her mouth out through her grin. Wiping her mouth, she opened the shower door, taking in the sight of Kara for the first time that morning. Beads of warm water clung to her curves, but the only thing Lena could focus on was the smile she shot her over her shoulder.


“Just looking at you,” Lena shrugged bashfully.

Kara leaned over, careful not to get water on Lena, and pressed her lips against hers. Lena sighed into the warmth of her skin, her self control moments away from letting her walk into the shower with Kara, clothes and all.

“Maybe when we get back from breakfast,” Kara murmured, “we can spend some time together in the room? I feel like I haven’t gotten to see you all week.”

“Me neither,” Lena agreed. “That sounds perfect.”

“Okay. Now let me finish up in here, I’ll be out soon.” Kara winked at her and stepped back under the stream of water.

Back in the room, Lena picked up the phone on their writing table and dialled the number for the front desk. She didn’t know how much longer Kara would be, but when she heard the hair dryer start she knew she’d have at least another ten minutes. Luckily, a knock on the door came soon after.

When Kara walked out of the bathroom, wrapped in the hotel’s comfortable white robe, a trolley of breakfast food stood beside the bed. She stopped in her tracks, practically dumbfounded at the arrangement, at Lena grinning back at her from the bed.

“Lena!” she finally breathed. “You did the- you- you made food happen!”

Lena cackled in the way she only did around Kara, the way she thought sounded too loud and the way Kara thought sounded like the way sunshine felt. She wasn’t even finished before Kara climbed onto the bed and kissed all around and against her smile, making her laugh even more.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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