part eleven.

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2 years on.

I was so used to being in New York now. It was always so busy and alive. Something I weirdly enjoyed over time. I say all of this and imagine Los Angeles to be more quiet and idle.
I was also so used to being around people I knew. I told myself if I did it once, I can do it again. Although I wasn't going alone, I had maya with me.

Maya and I landed a part on an upcoming movie. It was completely in the early stages, there wasn't much to the film yet, or at all. The cast, the director's, producers or name hasn't even been told to anyone yet. Including me and Maya.
I struggled slightly with finding work, but having a degree in film helped my chances. It was surprising to get such a huge part behind the scenes. I was able to get the job of being an assistant screenwriter, as well as Maya.

"It's weird leaving New York, right? I feel like I had just gotten used to it, properly." I sighed, hoping she would agree.

We were entering L.A. and admiring the views. It wasn't as busy as New York, but came a close second. There were people crossing the street like they didn't have a care in the world. Never bothering to look if a car was coming. Everything convenient to them. I chewed the inside of my lip.

"Definitely. I've lived in the U.S. longer than you, and yet I've never been to L.A.." She commented.

"It seems like a new start. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."I kissed my teeth, gripping the steering wheel tighter.

"Think positive, girl. We just got job's on a new movie. Like, that's insane." She cheered and I had to agree.

With the job, it meant moving across the country. I heard about the job, and panicked with where we would live and if we would find somewhere in time. We were lucky enough to find a small two bed room apartment. Although, it was a twenty minute drive from the set, it didn't bother me. It was spacious, for a small living space. I figured we wouldn't be home a lot of the time, though. As well as this being temporary, as a guess.

"Here we are." Maya announced. She was reading directions on her phone.

"Perfect." I smiled.

We each carried a box, or if we could handle more, up to the apartment.
It took us just about all day to get everything upstairs, and unpacked. We were missing many home essentials, as you can't really bring a bed half way across the country. We had ordered food, with no groceries to our name.
I told Maya how nervous I was. I hadn't had an experience like this before. On the contrary, I was completely ecstatic. I was itching to know who everyone was, it would be strange but unbelievable to work with huge names on a first time job.

"I heard, Leonardo DiCaprio might be working on this film." Kara spoke.

"That's a total lie." I scoffed.

"Well I mean, it's L.A., movies filmed out here star the biggest actors. It's like totally possible." She raised an eyebrow.

"I'll see it to believe it."

It made me nervous to not know who I'd be working with. Since it's my first time properly working on a set, it will be strange. Maybe, even different to how I could ever imagine it. Plus, I would have never met these actors before. I'll have no idea as to how they act off camera. You see these stories, or hear these rumours about certain people. How this person was easy to work with, and on the other hand, this person was hell. I knew the job would come with this—doesn't mean I would be prepared to face it.

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