412 20 16

Even the school was busy with  preparation for the orchestra event, they still had their monthly exam like usual.  

Jaemin grinned as Mr Park laid his test paper on his desk.

A+ was written on the top of the Math's paper sheet.

"Congratulation, Mr Na. Keep it up."

"Thank you sir."

"Please spare us some of the brain cells, Na Jaemin. Don't be fucking greedy." Jeno muttered beside him, voice in faux dissatisfaction.

"Don't be dramatic. You got an A too." Their convo however halted when Mr Park's voice echoed again.

"I'm disappointed, Ms Seo." Jaemin whirled around to see Mr Park was standing beside Jihyun's desk, looking crestfallen. Jihyun didn't even look up from her paper. The entire class went silent as well.

"I don't expect you to be so horrible. Your brother was school's representative for every Math's competitions before so I have high expectation on you."

"And what's your point sir?" Jihyun finally spoke, her voice was calm and collected.

"Nothing. It just- seems like the intelligence not running in the blood then. I must say that I am disappointed with your result since it didn't even reach the slightest of my prospect, Ms Seo." Mr Park chuckled before walking back to the whiteboard, "I hope you'll not whine to your dear father again about this."

Jihyun simply gazed at him.

"Damn. That's so unnecessary," Haechan muttered from behind him. Each one of them was watching Jihyun with nervousness. Knowing her, Jihyun would not let anyone look down on her, not even the teachers.

Jaemin was not a fan of violence and up until now he never needed to resort to it to fix his problems. He thought verbal resolution was much better to handle problem. Especially Mark always with his 'Treat people with kindness' agenda when he was the president of student council in the past.

Fuck kindness.

If he was at Jihyun's position, Park should consider writing resignation letter already. He did not mind going to detention for punching a teacher as long as no one stepped on his pride. His hand itched to hit Park right square in the face.

"I'll bet 10 dollar that she'll kick Park's ass."

Hearing no reply from Jihyun, Mr Park raised an eyebrow in her direction. "Well, aren't you going to acknowledge my words?"

It did not looked like she has any words coming out of her mouth, not able to swallow the heavy gulp that hung over her throat. Jihyun's knuckles turned white where she was gripping the sides of her desk. Her face was already scarlet with jaw clenched.


Her deskmate whispered from her side, urging her to say something to Mr Park that seemed smug watching her inner turmoil.

Jihyun sighed and stood up. Collective gasp of shock filled through the class. Haechan let out a sound of disappointment when Jihyun bowed down, "I'm sorry, sir. I'll study harder."

Mr Park tsked, "This's why I despise privileged kid, feeling so entitled with their high social class and act rude even to their teachers." He then snapped his fingers, "Alright class, please focus again. Oh, one more thing, Ms Seo. Maybe you can learn from Mr Na. He's above you after all," he said before continuing with the lesson. Class goes on like usual despite the still environment.

Jaemin stared intently on Jihyun's figure, trying to figure her out before he jumped a little, startled when Jeno nudged him him on his side.

"Chill bruh, you might burn a hole on the back of her head."

Jaemin scowled at Jeno but still forced his stare away from Jihyun although it would still zeroed in on her occasionally. 

Jihyun acted like normal, jotting down notes but she didn't looked up from her desk that entire lesson. As the bell rang signaling the end of the class, she just quickly shoved all her things in the bag and exited the class.

Jaemin contemplated for a minute to follow Jihyun but decided against it. Jihyun needed nothing but some space for now.

"Well, I know Park doesn't really like Jihyun since her father had blamed him before for her 'not-so perfect' result before but the thing Park did just now was so unprofessional, don't you think?" Haechan spoke to them as he waited for three of them finished packing their things.

"Wow. Did I just witness Lee Haechan worrying about his enemy?" Jeno teased.

Haechan shot him a glare, "I'm not that cruel, you dipshit. What you take me for? Heartless?"

"I'm shock to know that you even have a heart to begin with." Renjun interrupted.

"You motherfu━"

p/s: Don't forget to vote & comment🥰

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