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It had been two hours he kept tossed and turned on his bed but Jaemin couldn't find himself to sleep. Jaemin turned to see Renjun that was sleeping soundly on the bed across him, hugging a Moomin plushy that was twice his size.

This will not do.

Taking his phone and earphones, he got up and carefully sneaked out after putting on his hoodie, not forgetting to fix Renjun's blanket before he left the dorm.

He let the cold air fill his lungs, felt the chill in his skin and cheeks, slowly adjusting to the cold, as his legs led him to the library, not far from the dormitory. A white puff fell in the air from his breath as soon as he exhaled, and disappeared instantly.

He was thankful that the school administration has deliberately opened up a library for 24-7 hours in order to facilitate the lives of students who wish to continue their studies after school hours. 

Ignoring the drooling librarian at the counter, Jaemin climbed up the stairs to the second level and took a seat at the table facing the glass window where he could enjoy the view of the school's garden. He was about to put on his earphones when his ears caught a faint voice mumbling words that he couldn't make out.

His mouth felt suddenly dry and goose bumps sprang up at the back of his neck. He waited a moment and then curiosity got the better of him so he started to walk slowly along the row of bookshelves, following the voice. Nearing the third bookshelf, he saw a dim light illuminating between the gap of the third bookshelf with the next one.

When he peeked his head from the shelf, he was met with the sight of Jihyun, sitting cross-legged with book on her lap while leaning against the wall. The dim light came from her phone flash light. Her eyes closed in concentration as her mouth kept muttering words.

"Seo Jihyun?"

Jihyun's eyes snapped open upon hearing his voice. Her eyes were bloodshot and a little glassy. She looked like she did not sleep for days. The dark circles below her brown eyes and the paleness of his skin clearly showed that statement. Jaemin's heart ached at the sight. 

Her eyes flickered up to meet Jaemin's, "Na Jaemin. It's two in the morning, what are you doing here?" 

"Can't sleep," He shrugged nonchalantly, but his gaze rested on her thoughtfully for a few moments before he went to occupied the space beside her. He anticipated for Jihyun to chase him away but when she said nothing, he deemed it was fine.

They sat in silence for a while before Jaemin spoke. "You know our Chemistry's test will be in- like another month away right?"

"No harm to start early."

Jaemin felt himself frown. "Have you even got a rest? You'll get sick if you keep this up."

She shook her head with a sigh, "I can't take a risk and fail my test by resting and sleeping."

"You're the top in the class. Hell, you're even the top in our grade. What're you worrying for?"

Jihyun looked up then, and Jaemin felt his stomach churned at the girl's lifeless eyes.

"You heard what Park say about me in the class today. I suck in his test."

Jaemin scoffed at that, "God, he was being an asshole. Your score was not even that bad."

"No need to make me feel good."

"Fine. You suck in Math. But you literally ace in other subjects. Seriously, how can someone even got full marks for Biology?"

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