Life's Little Surprises Part 1

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I came off stage wound up like a yo-yo. The concert was so electric I wasn't able to settle down. So much high energy coursing through my veins I swore I'd be up all night. There was somethin' about it that was niggling at me, however, and had been for some time. In fact, a lot of things in my life had been lately. Oh, I'm sorry, that's rude of me, I didn't introduce myself. Name's Niall. Yeah, that Niall, the one that gets called Nialler by Liam Payne, Niall Horan, that Niall. Well, anyway, that night was going to be a specifically different night. I had just made it off stage and into the limo when I was given a note from our manager Paul. I had to contact my big brother Greg. Our last concert before we took a two week break on our tour, just back in London, and I had to call my brother. What, did my little nephew want to hear my voice again? Then I noticed the note said "urgent" on it so somethin' had to be up. I whipped out my cell phone and called him.

Greg: Hello?

Niall: Yeah bro, it's me. Got the note marked "urgent," so what's the 411?

Greg: Are ya sittin'?

Niall: I'm in transit, Greg, whattaya tink? Of course I'm sittin'!

Greg: Niall, this is some pretty heavy news I've got ta tell ya...

Niall: Mom and Dad, are they okay?

Greg: They're okay, both o' them are fine, it's not that.

Niall: Well then what then?

Greg: Niall, I'm at yer complex, can we talk there?

Niall: Just gimme da news, Greg.

Greg: *sigh* Okay. Niall, we have a big sister that was put up fer adoption years ago. Mom and Dad weren't married at the time, but her given name on her birth certificate reads Horan, and it's Mom and Dad's names on it. She came from the US, and she was searchin' for her biological family. We've got a big sis, Niall, and she wants ta meet us both.

Niall: A big sister?

Greg: Yup.

Niall: So is she goin' by the family last name these days or what?

Greg: Apparently so. Both of her adoptive parents are now deceased due to a car crash. She's learned a lot about our family's biology, Niall, and knows more about our family than we might.

Niall: So, what's her name?

Greg: Molly. Tell me ya can't get more Irish than that, hey bro?

Niall: You ain't kiddin'. So is she nice?

Greg: Um, yeah. She's nice enough.

Niall: Gregory, there's somethin' you're not tellin' me, what is it...

Greg: Oh God, how can I put this, Niall? She's bi.



Niall: Sorry, it's just's kinda hard to take in when you first hear it. So I take Mom and Dad have met her by now.

Greg: Oh, they were the first people to meet her. They were a little thrown off about Molly's bein' bi, though. Dad more than Mom. In any case, she's got one great gift.

Niall: What's that, a gay-dar? (starts laughing)

Greg: Well, that too, but the main gift she has is what you have - the ability to sing. She's on YouTube, you should hear her do cover songs Niall, she's really got talent!

Niall: She can sing? Look, Greg, I'm being dropped off at my complex now, I'll see ya in a sec.

Greg: See ya there.

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