Life's Little Surprises Part 5

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I never slept much that night.  I woke up feelin' like a fuckin' zombie.  All I could think about all night was Harry.  His little idiosyncrasies, his cute yet annoyin' behaviors that I was always able to look past.  Everythin' was now makin' sense to me.  I kept thinkin' to myself, why didn't I look into this sooner?  Why didn't I check my feelin's sooner?  Fuck, why couldn't I have met Molly sooner?  After all, she was the one who helped bring everthin' into the light.  I just wanted him in my bed with me all night.  I could've swore that I only got around three hours worth of sleep.  I got up, pulled on a pair of boxers - it was the first time I'd ever slept buck naked in that bed - and headed out to the kitchen, only to find Molly the same way as the previous day, sans boxers.  Only this time, her dick was red.  I somehow had a feelin' that I was responsible for that.

Niall: Mol, what the fuck happened to you?

Molly: Last night's sex.  Remember?  I had to yank my dick out of Vicki and I did it too hard, the condom stuck to it a bit, and, well, you get the drift.

Niall: Oh, God, just thinkin' about that is makin' me sick.

Molly: (teasingly) Sure you're not pregnant, bro?

Niall: Ah, why don't ya just fuck off fer once!

Molly: Yep, you lost a lot of sleep last night.  You're always cranky when you're sleep deprived.

Niall: How do you know that?  You've only known me two fuckin' days.

Molly: Easy, Greg told me.

Niall: Fuckin' tattler.

Molly: Niall, watch your tongue a bit, will you?

Niall: Jesus, it's my own flat and I can't even swear in it!  Oh...

Molly: Okay, something's on your mind.  Or is it, someone?

Niall: Am I that readable, Mol?

Molly: Like a book, I'm afraid.  'Kay, baby bro, spill.

Niall: Well, I can guarantee ya one thing, I didn't wet the bed.  And I didn't wet my pants last night either.

Molly: How's that?

Niall: Because I never wore any boxers to bed last night.

Molly: You?  Go to bed and sleep in the buff?  Niall James, I never thought you had it in you.  (smirks)

Niall: That's just it.  I never got much.  I only rounded up around three hours worth, and not all at once.  I had too much on my mind.

Molly: Would that too much on the mind be a fellow band mate named Harry?

Niall: Bingo!  Give the gal a prize.  Ah, sis, I've never felt like this in my life - ever.

Molly: Niall, bro, I can't believe it.

Niall: Believe what?

Molly: It's happened to you.

Niall: What the fuck are you gettin' at?

Molly: You've truly fallen in love this time.  And it's with Harry.

When Molly said that, it struck me like a rock.  No, a thunderbolt.  I'd fallen in love with Harry!  It was the only thing that made any sense.  I poured myself up a cup of coffee (as tea wasn't goin' to be strong enough this mornin') and downed it.  I don't know which Molly found funnier, that I was pourin' up the coffee and downin' it or the fact that I used about twenty teaspoons of sugar in it to get it sweet enough for myself.  I truly envy her, she can drink the stuff with only three.  Too strong for me.  She got out the ointment and covered her dick in it to relieve the soreness, wrapped it up in bandage to where a guy pees out, and then pulled on - carefully - a pair of briefs to keep everything in.  Then the two of us sat on the couch and watched some shows on the tele until Simon text me, and said to bring Molly so he could meet her.  I gulped.  All I could think was, here we go, what was he gonna think of my hermaphrodite sister?

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