Life's Little Surprises Part 2

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I filled up my and Molly's rakers again, ready to hear the story she had to tell me.  What would she tell me about what she knew of the Horan family history?  About herself?  About myself?  I had to know.  I gave Molly her drink and took a sip of mine, ready to hear the news.

Molly: So, Niall.  Do you know what a hermaphrodite is?

I sprayed my whiskey.  Did she say what I think she just said?

Niall: A what?

Molly: A hermaphrodite.

Niall: Yeah, yeah, I heard that.  Why the fuck are ya bringin' that up for?

Molly: Because, baby brother, that's what I am.

It took me a moment to let that sink in.  My sister, a hermaphrodite?  AND bi?  Now I needed to know the whole story.

Niall: You, one of those.  How can that be possible?

Molly: Here, I'll show you.

She whipped down her jeans zipper and opened the front to reveal a dick and a set of balls like a man would have.  Then she took them down all the way to reveal she had woman parts down there too.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  Molly brought a whole new meaning to the term bisexual.  I shook my head in complete and utter disbelief.

Niall: Oh, WOW Molly, you really are the whole new definition of bisexual.  But, why didn't your adoptive parents have somethin' done to have you ready to raise as one gender or another?

Molly: They couldn't afford it.  I hid it for decades, only my most elite friends know.

Niall: And when you got a job, why didn't you do anythin' about it?

Molly: Are you kidding?  By that time I found out I was bi and wanted to keep the dick.  Besides, faster bathroom trips.

Niall: Huh?  Oh!  Ya mean if ya only gotta whiz you can stand up.  Okay, that just sounds totally weird to me for some reason.

Molly: It takes some getting used to.

Niall: Listen, what I wanna know about the Horan family history is if there's any more like, well, you.

Molly: Ah, yes, the gay-dar.  Our great grandfather Horan was.  It's just that you didn't marry men then.  I take you're wondering about yourself, are you Niall?

Niall: Well, now that you bring it up, yeah, kinda.  I mean, I like - hell, I love girls, but it seems that I can't get over this certain guy I know.  I just can't get my head wrapped around it, Mol.

Molly: Mm hmm, that's how I was with my first woman.  She loved the fact that I had a pussy and a dick at the same time... (voice trails off)

Niall: Somethin' tells me this is goin' somewhere weird.

Molly: I knocked her up.

Niall: WHAT?!

Molly: Hermaphodite, remember?  As soon as we found out she got an abortion.  Two weeks later we split up.  That was when I was seventeen.  Come to think of it, Niall, you were most likely just a toddler back then.  (starts laughing)  Probably playing with your dick then, too.

Niall: Greg told you that, didn't he?

Molly: Yep.

Niall: Remind me to clobber the fucker, will ya?

Molly: Will do.  Anyway, any Horan family member who's gay or bi - or lesi, in the case of the women - can both empregnate a person and get pregnant.

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