Life's Little Surprises Part 6

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I didn't know what to think anymore.  My big sister, now with a music contract like me, and me, bi like her.  Well, not the hermaphrodite point but ya get the picture.  Our brother Greg was the only one who was into only women.  I didn't know what to do with myself anymore, what to think, feel, say!  All I could do was sit down on the floor and, with my head to my knees, start cryin'.  My emotions had never been this out in the open before, but they were now for the first time in history, in the history of Niall James Horan.  My life had totally flip-flopped.  I just couldn't figure out where to go with my life next.  Harry sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me, holding me tight in his grasp.  Though I was still upset, it felt comfortin' to have him do it.  I pressed my head into his chest to muffle the sound of my sobs.  He then, with both arms, held me tighter than before and whispered in my ear.

Harry: (whispering) It's alright, hon.  It's okay, everything's going to be fine.

Niall: (crying in a whisper) I don't know what to do, Harry.  Molly's in the same sit as me now, and me her.  She doesn't know anythin' about this world, and it could come crashin' down on her.  I don't want that for my sister and yet her world turns out to be mine too and - and it confirmed for me that -

Harry: That what Niall?

Niall: (full sob) That I love you Harry.

Harry: (holding Niall tighter) I love you too, Niall.  I love you too.

It had become an intimate, romantic moment for us.  Just two lovebirds, caring for each other.  That is until...

Louis: Haz, Niall, what's with all the lovey-dovey stuff?  We got an album to make!  C'mon, chop chop as Simon would say.  Niall?  You okay?

Niall: *sniff* Yeah, Louie, I'm okay, for a guy who's world's been turned inside out.  Just fuckin' dandy.

Louis: Uh oh, I know this has more to do with just you and Harry here.  Come 'ere, my little leprechaun, and tell Louie what's wrong.

Niall: (laughing nervously) "Little leprechaun?"  Oh, Louie, you're one fer talkin' fer callin' Harry "pumpkin" all the time.

Louis: Hey, what can I say?  I have a pet name for everyone I know.  Except my mom, she's always "Mom" to me.

Harry: Who's wouldn't be?

Niall: Anyone who had a fallin' out with theirs.

Harry: Valid point.

Niall: Well, Louie, I'm kinda caught between worlds right now.  I'm bi, just findin' that out, and then there's Molly.  It's hard to say where to begin there.  She's bi, a hermaphrodite, I've caught her havin' sex with another woman with her dick stuck into her, now she's got a music contract, I don't know what to do about all of this!  I mean, how am I goin' to keep my own secret, secret until it's supposed to come out with me and Harry if she's not gonna be keepin' her fact about bein' bi that way?  The hermaphrodite, yes, but she'll be out and open about bein' that way from the get-go and I'll have to hide mine with Harry here.  It's not fair Louie, I tell ya, it's not fair!  (starts sobbing again)

Louis: (holding Niall) Shh, it's okay Niall, it's okay. Well, Niall, you and Haz here are in a bit of a pickle, aren't you?  My best advice to you both is that you protect each other from the media until it's time to let everything out.  It's what I should've done when I was with Ellie.  But I didn't, look what's happened to me now...  (voice trails off)

Niall: *sniff* You're right, Louie, you're right.  I've gotta grow a set of balls, as the sayin' goes.  It's time for me to stop bein' a kid and start bein' what I am - a man.  No more bein' a child anymore, it's time to grow up.

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