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— It looks like Venus Stomachache has been being worst since she ate dinner with her family and boyfriend. The next day she didn't even wanted to be out of bed.

"Vee, we need you to get checked." Drew said from his spot in her bed.

She whined. "I'm fine." While putting the sheets in her head. "I just need a cold shower."

Drew was more than preoccupied for his girlfriend, not only because of her night puking but because her energy was draining. He knew something was up with her but he could put the pieced together of what was happening to her.

Just when Venus she thought was dying, the sickness disappeared. So when Saturday arrived she was more than ready to celebrate her nan's 90th birthday next with all her family.

After waking up and starting to decorate the cake Venus made to her nan the day prior she decided to take a shower, there she stood she noticed her body a little different but she decided to shrugged and think that all her eating junk from the moths prior was the reason. Putting her favorite green dress on and a small amount of make up she decided to go see if Drew was already awake and ready to meet all the family.

Knocking softly the door and opening she saw a sleepy Drew still in bed. "Darling," she whispered while passing her hand through his forehead moving his hair. "You need to wake up." She continued, placing a small peck on his lips.

"Five more minutes." He murmured while kissing her, making her giggled.

"Everyone is going to arrive in a couple of minutes, go take a shower. I'm going to go help my parents." She said while kissing his cheek and exiting the room, making him wake up and go towards the shower.

Down stairs her parents where talking super quietly like if they didn't want to anyone to hear the talk.

"Good morning." She smiled while going to kiss her Papa's cheek and then her Mama's.

"Hello sweetheart." Her mother smiled tightly. While looking briefly at Her husband.

"Everything okay?" She asked, placing a strawberry in her mouth and chewing it.

Benedict gave Sophie a knowing look, Making Sophie let out the breath she did it know she was holding and placing the knife in the table. "You're father and I wanted to talk to you about something."

She frown and smiled. "Okay, what is it?" She asked but before she could proceed there was a knock in the door. "I'll go get that, Well talk later."

The Cumberbatch marriage watched her daughter walk away, both with sad eyes and a weight in their shoulders. "Oh, Benedict." Sophie breathed.

On the other hand Venus could help but smile at the sight of her Grandparents, aunts and uncles. "Hello!" She said excitedly. "Come on in!"

While everyone was walking inside she decided to put a plastic crown on her Nan's head. "Happy birthday nan." She kissed her cheek.

"Oh! My sweet Venus! You look beautiful, you have the mama glow up." Her Grandmother said happily while admiring her dress and then placing a hand on her belly. "How long are you?"

Venus couldn't help but frown and tilde her head to the side. Pregnant? No she couldn't, every time she and Drew had relations they always used protection, although she knew that they weren't one hundred percent effective.

Venus couldn't help but give her nan a awkward smiled and clear her throat, "nan, I'm not pregnant." She giggled nervously.

"Oh child! I had four kids." She smiled sweetly, "believe me I know when someone is expecting! I can't wait to become great grandma, wait till Timothy knows!"

Venus was panicking, "don't tell grandpa Timothy! I-I" she didn't know what to do.

"Vee?" Drew asked from the stairs while he walked down to meet everyone. She couldn't help but smile.

"Darling!" Venus said while grabbing his arm and taking him toward her Nan. "Nan, this is Drew my boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you ma'am." Drew smile while taking Venus Nan hand in his.

"Oh my! Welcome to the family !" She said happily, pulling her hand making her hug him.

Venus watched from aside, she was happy but at the same time her Nan's words were ringing in her mind.

—The party was beautiful, but Drew couldn't help to noticed how his girlfriend was not doing good, she was constantly zooming out and he knew that when she did that it wasn't great.

The party needed around eight thirty, everyone was already gone and the The Cumberbatch marriage, Josh, Noah, Venus and Drew were watching a movie in the living room. The movie was about to end and Sophie and Benedict couldn't wait to talk with their daughter.

After the credits were released in the Tv, Benedict turned the Tv off. Something that he never did. "Noah, Josh please go to your bedrooms is time for bed." He told his two son. Weird. They never had a bed time but knowing that his odd behavior was appearing they decided to quietly say their good nights and head towards their rooms without questioning.

Sophie and Benedict didn't say anything they just remain quiet, Drew in the other hand was more than preoccupied seeing how Venus parents were acting and how they where watching her daughter who was next to him and in front of her parents, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

Venus on the other hand was a wreck, her eyes were filling with tears and she was griping Drew's hand.

Sophie didn't say anything, she just placed a pregnancy test in front of her daughter, Venus couldn't help but to sob and take the test in her hands and head towards the washroom.

Drew was more than confused, he was in a state of shock, his hands where sweating and his mind was running wild. He watched how Venus mother had her head in her hands and how she was crying murmuring things like did we fail like parents? What are we going to do?, Benedict on the other hand was just holding her wife while saying we are getting through this, or we didn't fail she is our daughter and we love her no matter what.

Drew could hear the wall clock tick, making him more anxious than anything, around ten minutes later He heard the Bathroom door open, he turned around and saw Venus holding the test in her shaky hands, she was sobbing so hard that se was having difficulty to breath.

Running towards her girlfriend he hugged her, "I'm pregnant." She said loud and clear.

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