Chap 2: A Swordsman? Oooh, so cool!

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I yawned and sprawled out on Pinkys' legs. "Ne, Pinkie, we almost to the island?"

"Ah!" He said, smiling at me. "We'll reach an island with a Marine base if we stay on this course."

"Ehh..." Luffy said, looking over his shoulder at us. "Coby, you're amazing. Are we really going to reach our destination?"

"Of course!" The boy exclaimed, looking in between Luffy and me. "It's the most basic skill for people who sail."

Luffy let out a laugh, facing forward again and putting his arms in the air. "This isn't the time to be laughing, Luffy-san. He's held there."

Pinkys' tone sound a bit ominous as did his expression. "That famous pirate hunter... Roronoa Zoro!"

I blinked and glanced at Luffy, who mirrored my confusion. "Is he that scary or something?"

He didn't answer directly, more like he set off on a thing of riddles or similes. Whatever they're called... Metaphors maybe? "He's like a beast hungering for blood. He lives only for the bounty. He slits everyone's throats. He is a demon in a human body."

I stared at him then shrugged, resting my head on the deck. "Oh, I dunno, Coby. Sounds like my kind of person."

When Coby fainted from my words, I knew it was worth it.

~A few hours later~

"Hey! Is that the island you were talking about, Pinky?" I asked, as I looked my little brother's shoulder. Coby looked over, too.

"Yep, that's it, Jace." I nodded as we sailed over to the docks. As Luffy and I hopped out of the boat, Coby wrapped a rope on one of the poles. I looked around, tuning in as Luffy exclaimed something.

"We're here! The town where the Marines are!" I shook my head and looked at Pinky.

"I'll walk with you guys through the town, but the first clothes shop I see, I'm leaving your asses behind. Got it?" At Pinky's nod and Luffy's loud 'Yeah!', I began making the way to town.

The first part of the town we saw was like a food market or something. I took in all the fresh produce and smiled gently.

"Hey, Luffy, it's not a very good idea to make him part of your crew." I tossed a quick look at Luffy. When'd he decide this?

"I haven't decided if he's a good person or not yet." Luffy said, smiling obliviously to my look and Pinky's.. whatever emotion that is.

"He's been arrested because he's a bad guy!" Pinky yelled. Luffy didn't say anything and picked up a pear from a nearby stand. Biting into said fruit, he said, "Mmm, good!"

He tossed a coin to the vendor, still speaking. "I wonder if that Zoro is inside the base."

The reaction was instant. People, the native people, all jumped back away from us three. They all had expressions of fear and panic.

Coby whispered to Luffy and I. "It seems that Zoro's name is taboo here."

I glanced around and drawled out sarcastically. "Nah, really? What made you think that?"

Ignoring me, Luffy and Coby started walking again. I threw my hands into the air. Okay, I get that I'm sarcastic, but you don't have to ignore me! Shitty brats.

I sighed as I followed them, looking around for a clothes shop. Do they not have one or something? Whatever, I'll just stay with the brats then.

"Anyways," Luffy was saying, "let's head to the base. You want to join the Marines, right?"

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