2. The Shy Hamster, Quiet Gamer, and 'Wonderhoi!' Girl

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2nd POV

You woke up to the sound of your alarm, which was a duck quacking. You rolled over to turn off your phone, only to remember that you already did that before going to sleep. So where the heck is the sound coming from?

Turns out your phone was already on.

'Huh? I'm pretty sure I turned it off before...'

You thought that you must've dreamed that you had turned it off. However, that theory was thrown out the window when the alarm stopped and the touchscreen suddenly turned on to reveal your wallpaper of (favorite character). Surprised, you jumped out of your bed and grabbed your phone.

(Plot twist you somehow got a picture of one of the characters in the game and you're actually a stalker *gets yeeted*)

'Did my phone just turn on by itself?!'

Rubbing your eyes to make sure you're not asleep, you unlocked your phone and scanned everything. It didn't seem like anything was out of the ordinary. But then why did it turn on by itself? Not wanting to dwell on it any longer, you decided to leave your phone alone for now and get ready for school. Don't want to be late, right? Especially with your hair being a mess.

"Fufu~ It seems she hasn't noticed yet."

*Timeskip sponsored by Akito and Touya smiling and winking toward the screen*

You arrived at school. Because your alarm woke you earlier expected, you had an hour left before classes start. Remembering that you need a way to contact her, you made your way to the classroom to find An. Luckily, she was there along with Akito and Touya.

"An!" you called out with a smile. The ombré-haired girl turned around upon hearing her name and saw you waving at her. She smiled and waved back.

"Hey (y/n)! What's up?"

"I forgot to ask this yesterday, but is it okay if we exchanged phone numbers?"

"Yeah of course! Let me just get my phone out real quick."

"Good morning (y/n)," Akito greeted, once again bringing out his 'Prince Charming' smile, "How are you feeling?"

"Quite good. I'm just a little bit tired though," you yawned, remembering how you were forced to wake up early due to your duck alarm.

"Didn't get enough sleep?" Touya guessed, tilting his head in worry. You explained what had happened to him as An continued to search for her phone.

"Your phone turned on by itself even though you were sure you had turned it off?"

"It sounds crazy, but you have to believe me," you sweatdropped, rubbing your eyes once more in hopes of getting any drowsiness off of them.

"Here it is!" An hollered and finally pulled out her phone, "Let's exchange contact info."

The two of you exchanged contacts and just to make sure you got the right one, you texted her right away.

(y/n) (l/n):

Heya! This is to make sure I got the right number.

An Shiraishi:

Yep! Got it! 👍

After confirming, the four of you continued to chat some more before you and An had to leave for class. As you were leaving, you passed by a girl with grayish-green hair. You could've sworn she had a gaming console in her possession but brushed it off.

The both of you made it just in time for the teacher to start his lesson. The whole time, you couldn't help but wonder about what happened earlier. There's no way a phone can turn on by itself, right? Maybe this is a great time to get your phone fixed.

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