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"Tell me that you love me"


"Again seriously...why do you do this to me? I don't understand I'm always here at home waiting for you to come back, we literally fuck anytime you want to and you still go out and fuck other people" Louis stressed out while walking back in Harry's direction.

"I don't know why I do it Louis it's fun I guess" he raised his voice as Louis was in his face once again.
"Just as you don't know that, I don't know why I'm still with you, I should have broken up with you two years ago when you first did it." Louis spoke intimatatingly quiet.

"Fucking break up with me then Louis go on"
Louis stayed quiet.
"See you won't, even though you really should" He continued passively.

Louis began to get angry "because I fucking love you" he spat as he pushed Harry pretty hard and he landed on the couch behind him luckily, "I don't even know why I bother it's not like you still feel the same" he spoke as his mood dropped from being mad to upset and began crying. He looked down to Harry on the couch and whispered "please look me in the face, just tell me that you love me even if it's fake"

"Please" Louis begged as he moved to sit on Harry's lap with his legs either side of his.
As soon as the words were spoken from Harry's mouth Louis leaned forward capturing his lips in a heated makeout session, however was hesitantly stopped by Harry. Even if he didn't feel love for Louis anymore he wasn't going to take advantage of his vulnerable state, he still has respect "lou babe I don't think you want to do this" sounded in the small gap between them in which he replied "I want to trust me"
"Why would you want to though after knowing what I have done tonight?"
"Cause I don't fucking care anymore about anything"
"Just shut up and kiss me" Louis commanded and Harry couldn't disagree with the boss.

349 words

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