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"Cause I have hella feelings for you
I act like I don't fucking care"

*TW - mentions of SA*

Harry's POV

"Explain what?" Louis replied confused.
I sat down and attempted to hold Louis hands but he moved them away, ouch that hurt.
"I don't know how to really explain this so I'm just going to explain what happened that night, plus daytime". With Louis' look of confusion I began.

It's Eds birthday today, though that's not important right now. I was on the way to my dad's as he apparently has something he wants to give me. I don't know what it could be as I'm currently not on the best terms with him but he's family and you don't turn your back on family, even if they are assholes. He knows its Eds birthday so I won't be staying long. As I'm approaching the front door I notice a car I've not seen before, but don't think much of it.
Des sat on the sofa, with a beer in hand and many more opened and unopened on the table in front of him.
"You came" he asked surprised,
"Yes obviously but I can't stay long" I replied. Des then explained that he was sorry and that he would like to celebrate the 2 years me and Louis have been together, so I accepted his drink, cause why not, I'll be drinking again later anyway.

On the second drink I began to feel a little light headed, which wasn't normal for me but I assumed it was because I hadn't eaten much today; I kept drifting in and out of consciousness until I felt my dad take me to his bedroom. My thoughts led me to believe that he was being a good parent for once.
Once on the bed I passed out straight away, but it wasn't long after I heard voices not to far from me.

"I didn't agree to do this while he's unconscious, that's not right" a female voice spoke but soon stopped as she received the response,
"I don't care, it needs to happen and it's going to now, I'm not paying you two grand to sit and chat with me, am I ?, no, now go in there and do what I'm paying you for, it's for your daughter remember" they said with menace and a hint of blackmail.

I hear quiet footsteps coming towards me but don't feel as though I can move, starting to internally panic. The bed dips, then the feeling of sticky lipstick is on my neck kissing down, as small hands delicately unbutton my shirt, as not to wake me, little did they know I know everything that's happening already. As I feel her hands travelling south, I'm screaming no but nothing seems to be leaving my lips, until a small whisper finally makes it though the barricade, "No, stop, I don't want this, please"

"I'm sorry Harry, I hope you forgive me" a very familiar voice replied, as she continues, I lay frozen in shock, how could she do this to me.

I jump up at the crazy nightmare, but then noticed I'm not in my own bed, not wearing my shirt and have flashbacks to the dream, when realisation hits; it actually happened. I scramble out from the bed traumatised, many thoughts running through my head, not knowing how to react, I ran home to get ready for Eds party, with the intention of acting normal... nothing happened, everything is fine.

As we made it to Eds, I gave Louis a reassuring smile, that everything was going to fine and we weren't going to stay to late. Ed took me to the kitchen for drinks, I had a few, then went to find Louis again, we danced, and as I progressively got more drunk, more flashbacks appeared so I drank more to get rid of them.
Again I woke up as I felt an arm wrapped around me, believing it was Louis I snuggled closer, but I didn't get the comforting scent of him. Then realising I was naked,  I crawled out of bed looking at the clock seeing 1:32. Slightly still feeling the effects of alcohol, I decided on walking home to try and remember what happened in the last six hours.
I sobered up real quick due to the chilling winds; my brain going into overdrive thinking about the last day rather than just that party. I didn't willingly sleep with Ed I wouldn't do that to Louis, he's my baby and I'm his, and that's when the conclusion hit, I've been s**ually as**ulted twice in the same day.


After drinking the bottle of vodka I grabbed on the way home, I finally made it to bed faintly hearing Louis ask where I've been.
"I..  luv .. you..... lou, please.... remember that" I stuttered out due to my drunk state.
Louis only replied back with go to sleep, we'll talk about it in the morning.

*Flashback ended*

I looked up to see Louis' face streaming with tears, I knew he'd hate me, "I'll go it's okay you can stay at this house, I'm so sorry"
"No no, where are you going, don't leave now, after all of this, I'm finally getting to know the truth, I don't hate you, quite the opposite actually, I just want to know why u didn't tell me... Also I want to know what the next bit meant, you started saying things about how you should have a girlfriend, get married and have kids, but you want that with me"

"I love you so much, the things that used to be said behind your back 4 years ago, I hated it, 'oh it's just a phase, he'll grow out of it and have children with a lovely wife', Lou he used to threaten to beat me if I didn't split up with you, and he did a few times but that explains why I was always coming over to your place, I tried to convince him we weren't together"

There was a long pause before I continued "then just before Eds party when he had that happen to me, I was devastated, he's family, we weren't on good terms but I still went anyway thinking he might actually want to apologise for how he's treated me, but no he just made it ten times worse, however he and myself underestimated how stubborn you are"
"Oi" a slightly smirking Louis replied.

"What it's true, hahahaha, but anyway when you went to Nialls, I knew to give you some space, but also after two years of us being together, if I didn't try to get you back, you would have thought I had never cared for you, when obviously I did (still do) with the deepest of my heart... anytime after that I wasn't always cheating on you, I just said that so you would leave me, I acted like I didn't fucking care, but you never did, you know why ... 'cause.. you.. are.. stubborn', I spoke while tapping his nose.
"No, it's because I love you" he continued in a whisper "and I didn't think I was good enough for anyone else"

"Louis you are perfect, anyone would be stupid not to want you, your personality is amazing, your so bubbly, and you look gorgeous, how could anyone not want that ass"  Louis lightly slapped me in response "you were doing great till that point" he laughed. But then the smile was gone "Why didn't you just break us up, why get me to leave you?"
"Cause I have hella feelings for you, and I didn't want to be the one to break both of our hearts, I only felt the need to do this cause I thought you wouldn't want me anymore after being touched by someone else originally, and I wouldn't of had to explain any of this"

I saw a flash of realisation in Louis eyes, then he ran to the kitchen, and was back in a few seconds. "Okay my turn to speak, I love you Haz with all my heart, always have and always will till the end, and we don't need to prove that to anyone but I started putting pieces together and that's why you kept getting tense and nervous at any sign of a marriage proposal from me, cause you were scared of how your family and friends would react, cause I'm a man"
I nodded in return, slowly recognising were this was going.

"You don't need to be nervous now baby, we have spoke about things, I now know your side of this situation and we are going to put the past behind us, and prove to everyone that they were wrong, love like this does last, and it wasn't just a phase"
He slowly got on one knee " so Harry Edward Styles, will you marry me?"
I lunged forward, " Yes yes, oh my god I love so much", I connected my lips to Louis as a simple kiss, that progressed to us passionately making out on the couch, Louis then carried me to the bedroom in which we made love the whole night, reconnecting with each other on that level; Louis promising that everything will be okay from now on.

1551 words

Thought y'all deserved a longer one, so sorry for the delay, only one chapter left...
Any guesses on what it is ?
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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