1: Bugs Bunny Might Be A Jerk

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Author's Note: This is not rated mature, but there are lots of, uh... drugs in this story, so viewer discretion is advised...

Also, This story takes place after the show ended, not 17ish years before. Bugs and Daffy do not know eachother, so some of the things in the series never happened. 

Oh, and the Animaniacs are here.

Enjoy your feature presentation.

Daffy walked up the front stairs of the abandoned house, his heart beating in his ears. The rumors say that whoever goes inside of his building will come out insane. They also say that anyone who's already crazy won't come out at all, because there's something keeping them in.

And Daffy was stupid enough to take the job and try to go inside.

Normal people would probably go inside of the building because of peer pressure, but not this duck. He had 'taken a case' to try to find Bugs Bunny. He had never heard of him, but he was apparently well known to some extent.

"Hey, Daffy, are you going to open the door, or will I have to do it for you?" Daffy turned around to see Dot Warner with her arms crossed and a joking scowl on her face.

Daffy had forgotten about her and her brothers. When he took the job, he wasn't expecting to be teamed up with three underaged, chaotic kids that weren't even old enough to drive a car. "I'll open it..." Daffy checked the address to make sure he was at the right place. Or the wrong place.

Either one was fine.

Unfortunately for Daffy, he was, in fact, at the right abandoned house. He took a deep breath and knocked once, knocked twice. The wooden door creaked open slowly, and Daffy rolled his eyes. Sure, he was scared, but in all of the horror movies he watched (Daffy had only seen two), the protagonist would be overly frightened. He didn't want to follow that cliche.

Yakko cringed. "This is starting to remind me of that Halloween with Nickelwise..." His siblings nodded and hummed in agreement.

For the half day he knew them, Daffy never knew what they were talking about. He walked inside, and the door closed by itself, like he expected. He took a look at his surroundings, and if he had a nose, it would be wrinkled. There was trash everywhere, the room was dark, and it smelled like something died in every corner of the room. Daffy saw a round dining table for four with moldy food on it, and flys were attacking the stuff. Daffy shuddered in disgust. The whole bottom floor appeared to be one room, and there was a flight of stairs on Daffy's right which seemed spotless. It stood out, and it seemed 'brand new'.

Wakko ran over to the food and gagged at the sight of it. "What... is that?" From what Daffy had learned about them so far, he knew that Wakko loved food. He had overheard the Warners talking about when Wakko ate a 22 (and five seconds) year old sandwich with glee.

Yakko looked over his shoulder. "It looks like a pie..." He sniffed it, and immediately regretted his decision. "It smells like rotting... carrots...?" He stood up straight and put a clothes pin on his red nose. "Who puts carrots in pie?"

Daffy shrugged. "I don't know, but that's not our main focus right now. We have to get Bugs Bunny, then leave." Daffy remembered when he first heard about him, just the day before. He supposed he was a jerk... but he assumed a lot of bad things about people, and for good reason. "Do you three know what he looks like? Or maybe who he even is?"

Dot raised an eyebrow. "You don't know who Bugs Bunny is?"

"...No." Daffy felt a bit embarrassed, but not enough to change his mind about him.

Yakko walked in front of Daffy. "When he was supposed to be in highschool, he was a cowboy, an astronaut-"

Dot chimed in. "The president of Mexico, an actor-"

Yakko frowned, turning the conversation into an argument. "A marine-"

"A football player-"

Wakko walked over with a smile on his face. "And after all all that, he invented the carrot peeler!" Yakko and Dot glared at him. "What? I wanted to chime in..."

Daffy thought for a minute. 'Bugs Bunny is definitely a jerk.' But then he thought for a bit longer. "Wait. He invented the carrot peeler..." Daffy pointed at the rotting food. "And that's a carrot pie." He stared at it for a bit before clicking his tounge. "Well, that's a huge coincidence."

The three gave eachother concerning looks, but didn't say anything.

Suddenly, Daffy heard smooth jazz playing from the top of the stairs, and frowned. He was expecting an ominous piano. "Did you hear that?" But they had already pushed past him, running up the stairs. Daffy groaned and chased after them.

Who knew how much trouble they could get into?

When he reached the top of the stairs, Daffy was surprised to see a floating saxophone. There were no hands holding it up, it was just floating in the air,  and the correct notes were being played. But that only lasted for a few seconds, because it dropped to the ground when Daffy had gotten a good look. He picked it up and studied it.

It was just a saxophone.

Daffy threw it behind him, making it tumble down the stairs, and studied the second floor. It was, again, an one room floor, but this time, everything was clean. So clean, in fact, that there was no furniture in sight. Just a hardwood floor. Daffy noticed there weren't any windows, and saw a door in the very back of the room. "Should we look in there?"

Yakko snorted. "You're the adult."

Daffy scoffed and walked over to the door. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and turned the doorknob with the Warners right behind him.

Way, way behind him.

When he opened it, he heard a voice speak. "Ehh, what's up Doc?" Daffy opened one eye and saw a gray rabbit with long ears and a teardrop tail. Most of his front torso was white, and he was munching on a carrot with a smirk on his face.

Then both of Daffy's eyes widened in realization.

This was Bugs Bunny.

Author's Note: I don't have an idea for the cover yet, so enjoy the gradient for now.

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