2: The Tiara, The Wand, And The Big 'Ole Dress

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Bugs sat in the closet, practically suffocating in the bitter air. The door was locked, and after many failed attempts, he couldn't get out. His kidnapper didn't tie him up, or gag him, because he had another way to ensure he couldn't leave. When he had gotten kidnapped, he had been taken past a room filled with other kidnappees, and was told that he would get 'special treatment'. Bugs didn't really understand what he meant, and he's been locked in this closet for almost a week.

That is, until a black feathered duck opened up the door with his eyes closed.

Bugs's eyes widened a bit, and all he could focus on was him... until he was able to snap himself back to reality to say something. Anything. "What's up, Doc," was all that was able to come out of his mouth.

The duck opened one eye, and then both eyes. He stared at Bugs for just a split second, then his eyes widened. "Are you Bugs Bunny?"

Bugs frowned. He had never seen this duck in his life, and he definitely didn't tell him his name. "Who were you expecting, the Easter Bunny?" He nervously chuckled.

Daffy frowned. "...We're done, then."

"What are you talking about?" Bugs was completely out of his daze.

"Oh, we're undercover detectives..." The duck looked behind his shoulder. "Ahem. I said, we're undercover detectives..."

Bugs was surprised to see three... dog children... walk from behind the duck and wave nervously. He blinked back his confusion and looked up at the duck. He was crossing his arms and seemed very angry at him, for no reason.

"Anyway, we were 'assigned' to see if you were in here, and you are, so let's go."

Bugs stood up and tried to walk out of the closet, but a laser came out of nowhere and missed his foot by an inch. He quickly went back inside and shrugged. "...What are your names?"

Daffy sighed. "I'm Daffy, that's Yakko, that's Dot, and that's Wakko."

"Call me Dottie and you die!"

Bugs's eyes widened. "...Okay." He looked up at the clothes around him and grinned. "I have an idea..." He started to close the door. "Open the door when I knock." He closed it completely.

Knock, knock.

Daffy reluctantly opened the door to see Bugs wearing some jeans, flannel, and a white t-shirt. He steeped out the door to miss a laser by an inch. He closed the door and tried various more times with a tuxedo, a sweater, and even his regular old self, but continued getting lasers shot at him. He closed the door one last time.

Knock, knock.

Daffy opened it to see Bugs with a big light pink dress, a small pink tiara, and a fairy wand. And when I say big, I mean a freaking princess dress that shouldn't have been able to fit in the closet.

And that's because it wasn't originally in the closet.

Daffy's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but think that Bugs looked stunning, before frowning and wondering why he thought so.

Wakko and Yakko said, "Helloooo nurse!"

Dot was eying the dress suspiciously. "Can you tell me where you bought that so I can see if they have it in a kid's size small?"

Bugs took a few steps forward and got a hole blasted right through the dress. "How am I supposed to get out of this place," he muttered. He walked back inside and closed the door, put the dress back in his hammerspace, and took a deep breath. He had one more trick up his sleeve. He grabbed some ketchup from his hammerspace and spilled it all over his chest.

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