3: LSD - Lola's Super Delusional

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Porky and Lola had been locked up in this closet for about a week now, and Porky was on the verge of going insane. In fact, he probably already was. Every 12 hours, it was talk, talk, distraction, take your pill, and talk some more. Lola would ramble on about the most absurd things that didn't quite make sense to Porky at the moment, and he was hallucinating, constantly changing moods, and couldn't actually tell how much time had passed. Lola was also experiencing side effects of the drug that Porky was trying to remember the name of. She was also hallucinating, and found out that whenever she sang her favorite song, she saw some really pretty colors... She described her hallucinations, and stories she had made up to Porky, who felt like this had been going on for years. He didn't want to hear about her hallucinations when he was dealing with them himself, and trying to figure out what that turtle was giving them that made them like this.

The turtle... Porky couldn't quite remember his name. Seesaw? See sil? See... Cecil. His name was Cecil! Porky lit up with excitement. The drug was wearing off, and he was experiencing the after glow, so everything was still a bit hazy. Lola had been humming a song, basking at the colors that she saw before her.

What was your n-name again?" Porky couldn't remember if it was 'So, Uh', or 'Boa', or 'Low Lug'. "It's B-Boa, right?" It was the one that made the most sense to him.

"No, it's... um... Lola... I think. Yep, it's Lola... or at least it should be." Lola's drug was wearing off as well, probably more than Porky's. But Lola is Lola and always will be.

"Well, L-Low Lug, I just remembered who gave us these d-drugs!"

Lola stopped humming. "What drugs?"

"The o-ones that come in p-pills? The ones that we've been forced to t-take?!"

"I thought those were vision enhancers."

"What are you t-talking about?"

Lola sighed. "Well, confess! Who was it?!"

"They were named C-Cecil."

"Well, what was their last name? We probably want that for the cops, right? Or am I thinking about farmers...?"

"I d-don't know. I think it was Cecil T-Tortoise..."

"Makes sense to me."

They were both able to sit in silence... for a few good seconds.

"Hey, do you want to hear what happened in my last hallucination?"

Porky groaned.

"This time, I promise it will be interesting."

Porky fidgeted with his blazer. "Promise?"

"Of course I do! Would I ever lie?" Lola's ears twitched when she heard a familiar 'knock, knock'. It meant it was time to eat. "Ooh, I wonder what we'll get this time." A few days before, Lola didn't want to eat the carrot pie that they were given, and now it's on the table, rotting.

"Probably some drugged f-food..."


Porky sighed. "N-nothing." He tried opening up the door, but it wouldn't budge. "Oh no, we're l-locked in! I always knew I would d-duh-uh-die this way!"

Lola crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. "Porky, we've been locked in here for what seems like 6... 6 days? And you haven't noticed until now?" At this point, Lola was completely sober. Porky had no idea how she was able to go through the effects so fast.

He also had no idea it had only been six days. "I d-didn't check..." His face went red with embarrassment, and Lola laughed.

The door swung open, and instead of getting their usual prison food and a pill, they just got four pills on a paper plate. Two for Lola, and two for Porky.

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