4: Tina And Gremlin

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Tina had been in this closet for about two days.


In the dark.

She had been talking to Gremlin when he tried nibbling on her flipper. "No! Bad Gremlin." After disciplining him, he was... tolerable. Tina would talk on and on about how they were probably missing her over at Copy Place, and how she's going to punch whoever kidnapped her when she gets free.

But then there were times when she would laugh hysterically at Gremlin's hilarious jokes, and then give him a treat.

And by treat, I mean half of an acid pill.

After a few hours (which felt like a few minutes), Tina realized that Gremlin was immune, and wasn't sure if she was disappointed or hopeful, because she was slipping in and out of the effects.

During one of her more sober moments, Tina asked Gremlin, who seemed to never go away ever since she got locked up, if he could get both of them out of there. He refused, and she was furious.

"After all I've done for you?!"

Gremlin made a noise that only Tina could comprehend.

"Haha-" SNORT "-hahaha... You tell the funniest jokes, Gremlin. I'm sorry for yelling at you."

Right at that moment, the door that she was leaning on swung open and she fell backwards, getting a quick glimpse at Daffy. He and Tina had been dating for a bit, but things didn't work out. They're still on good terms, though, and agreed to stay friends.

Gremlin had been sitting on her lap in the closet, but he jumped off and ran away. "Why did you let Gremlin get away, Daffy? You saw him!" Tina focused on her surroundings more and noticed a two rabbits, one of them was singing (causing Tina to immediately see colors), a pig standing there nervously, and three dog kids looking bored out of their mind. She sat up and glared at Daffy. "Seriously, why did you let him run away like that?"

Daffy frowned. "That's because I didn't see anything."

Tina stood up. "You're lying. You always lie!"

Daffy took a few steps forward. "I'm not lying! And there was never a gremlin!"

I may have been lying when I said they were on good terms.

It was pretty bad.

"Just tell me where Gremlin is so... I..." Tina looked up and gasped. "Daffy..."


"Run." At point, the Warners, Lola, and Bugs were trying to open the door, and Porky was trying to push his way past them.

Daffy looked up to see Crusher standing behind him and squeaked. "You, uh..." Daffy gulped. "You look nice today..." Daffy met him when he got arrested for littering on federal property. During that whole experience, he felt like something was missing...

Crusher growled and grabbed Daffy's arm. He started to bring him to a closet (I have no idea why this house has three of those) and was about to throw Daffy in when a strained voice started to boom from a speaker.

"No, you need to get the rabbit!"

Crusher threw Daffy inside anyway and then tried to grab Lola.

"No, the other one!"

Crusher grunted and grabbed Bugs, who almost had the door open. "No! I was almost free!" Bugs started kicking him. "Let me go, ya maroon!" Crusher's eyes widened and he threw Bugs in the closet with a lot of force, making him hit his right arm on the back wall with a yelp. He quickly grabbed his arm. "I wasn't lying, y'know!" The door was slammed in his and Daffy's face.

Bugs slid down the back wall and glanced at Daffy, who was glaring at him.


"Because of you, we're trapped in here."

Bugs frowned. "How is it my fault?"

Daffy crossed his arms and looked away. "Because... Because I said so."

"That doesn't even make any sense."

Daffy scoffed. "It doesn't matter, it's still your fault."

Bugs looked at his arm. It hurt everytime he moved it, and when the smallest thing brushed it. "Hey, doc..."

Daffy glanced at him, but didn't say anything.

"Do you think I'll need a cast for my arm?"

"Why are you asking me? I'm not a doctor." Daffy paused. "Well, there was that one time when I pretended to be a doctor, but accidentally killed someone in the process..."

Bugs's eyes widened.

"So you definitely shouldn't be asking me for medical advice." Daffy's mood seemed to lift from talking about himself. "In fact, I'm trying to get the big five licenses, which includes the ability to kill without any negative repercussions."

"Wha- huh?"

"What are you confused on?"

"Eh... everything after asking you for medical advice."

"The big five licenses?"

"Yeah, that."

Daffy rolled his eyes like this has happened before. "The big five licenses include a driver's license, cosmetology license, pilot's license, fishing license, and license to kill!" Daffy seemed very excited. "I can't wait to get that one."

Bugs frowned. "So, eh... how many of those do you already have?"

"Two. I have my driver's license and my cosmetology license."

"You're a hairdresser? But I thought-"

"I have a lot of things on my resume. I was a hairdresser for about a week, an actor for a day, a flight attendant for a day or two, a security guard for three days, a model for two years, a fast food worker for three months, a city council member for a year, a waiter for a day- You know what? I'll stop there."

Bugs raised an eyebrow out of curiosity. "How long have you been an 'undercover detective'?"

"Never. Because I was never a detective."

Bugs's whiskers twitched and he sighed.

This was going to take a while.

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