Chapter 7(A LOT OF TEA🍵🍵🍵)

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     Previously: Then Piper kissed him. At first Jentzen kissed back but then he pushed away. "What's wrong" Piper asked.

"I'm not gonna kiss you when you are drunk, I really do like you but I'm not gonna let you ruin your relationship with Lev for me until you know for sure how you feel about me, and he is my best friend." Jentzen said.

"How about I get you some water and and asperin and then you get some rest, I can deal with everyone else."

"Ok." Piper said.

      A few minutes later Jentzen got back with the water and asperin but Piper was already asleep on the couch. Then he carried her over to her bed and gave her a blanket.

     He looked at her for a second and then turned the light off and started walking out of the room. "Wait-" Piper said which made Jentzen stop in his tracks.

"I thought you were asleep?" Jentzen said

"I was until you set me down on the bed, by the way where did you put that aspirin I could really use that right about now." Piper said with a groan as she rubbed her aching head.

"Right." Jentzen turned the light back on, grabbed the aspirin and water and sat down on the edge of her bed. "Here." He said as he handed it to her.

"Thanks. Your not gonna tell Hunter about this right?" Piper said.

"Of course not. Oh and by the way when I went downstairs I got rid of everybody so you don't have to worry about it." Jentzen said

"Oh ok thank you."

     After Piper set the empty glass in her nightstand Jentzen stood up to walk out of the room. Then suddenly Piper grabbed his hand which stopped him from walking away. "Wait!" She said.

"This might be kind of a weird question but um. Could you just stay here tonight?.... Please?" She said.

       "Um... sure of course I will. That's part of my promise right?" Jentzen said jokingly which made them both laugh. Jentzen hopped onto the bed and laid down on the other side with their backs facing eachother.

      The next day at around 10 am surprising neither of them were awake yet and somehow during the night Jentzen's arm ended up around Piper's waist.

     About 15 minutes later the Piper woke up to the sound of the bedroom door opening. "What the hell!" Hunter said. As soon as Piper heard that she quickly sat up, rubbed her eyes and shook Jentzen awake.

    After Jentzen sat up too, then Piper said. "I thought you weren't going to be home until later!"

"We got home early, the better question is why the hell is Jentzen in your bed!?" Hunter replied.

"I- I don't know... wait... I don't remember..." Piper said with a slightly concerned tone.

"Um can I talk to Jentzen for a second?" Piper asks.

"Why should I leave you two alone at all?"

"Please?" Piper says.

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