Chapter 10(UPDATED)

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Previously: Piper bit her bottom lip a little bit and smiled. Then with a nod she pulled Jentzens shirt towards her to shorten the small distance between then. Jentzen slowly moves on top of her. Every kiss Jentzen's heart rate went up. Desperate for her. He slowly slid his hand up her thigh as they kissed. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too" Piper whispered ... As the screen faded to black

Dear diary, it's Piper again. Life feelllsss... so... different I feel like I'm not me anymore. But then again who even was I before. It's been a a little over a year and since that night that turned everything south. So many things have changed. Let me give you summary. So, last year was... a lot, it all started the night that I... y'know lost it. Me and Jentzen were having the time of our lives. Sneaking around and falling in love.

After that night with Jentzen I started feeling nauseous ALL the time. I thought it was from the guilt that had slowly been creeping up on me for cheating on Lev but it turned out to be much worse. It was over a month after that night and I still hadn't gotten my period.... That's when everything clicked and my world fell apart.

I started by getting a pregnancy test, I took the first one and waited... and waited... and waited until I flipped over the little blue stick and saw a bright bold blue plus sign staring back at me and everything got dizzy. I tried sitting down but that didn't help. It got harder and harder to breath until eventually I couldn't,

and then my world went black...
Everything was still,
Silent even,
I keep hear some things,
The sound of my heart still beating through my chest,
Thump, thump, thump...
But then it got quieter...
thump...thump... thump........thump.............thump

And that's all I remember, the next thing I know I am laying in a hospital bed. My mom and Hunter were sitting in the chair beside my bed. My mom was asleep but Hunter wasn't, he looked over with a sigh of relief. He hurried over and wrapped his arms around. "Thank god.." he said sniffling. I had never seen him cry before that day. "What happened?" I asked. He said something about a miscarriage and how worried he was but it was all such a blur. I still felt groggy and needed the day to rest. The doctor came in to check on me and then said to rest. They would explain everything when I am more responsive.
About two hours later I was more alert. Hunter and My mom were clearly upset but wouldn't tell me why. Then the doctor came in. "Hi my name is Dr. kolar, glad to see you doing better, so let's go over what happened, what do you remember?" She asked, "I was in my bathroom, and um, was just going to the bathroom, I started having trouble breathing and and became dizzy, after that everything just kinda went black." I said as the doctor looked at me with sincere eyes. "Did you have any stomach pain at all?" She asked with a look of curiosity and confusion. "Um... yes? A little? I don't know everything is so fuzzy." I exclaimed, "It's Okay take your time, let's move on to the the next question and get back to this one when your ready, Okay? Were you aware of your Pregnancy Piper?"

My eyes widened a bit I shot my eyes over to My mom and Hunter but they didn't look surprised... just disappointed. I swallowed hard but I barely could. My throat was so dry that I sounded like a 60 year old smoker. "Just be honest Okay?" My mom said. I swallowed again and continued, "well um, yes I wasn't just using the bathroom when I passed out, I-..... I was taking a pregnancy test."

"Well when you passed out which we believe was caused by an anxiety attack, you fell onto your stomach... I'm sorry but you had a first trimester miscarriage. We wish you the best of luck in your recovery. We just need to monitor you for 12 more hours and you will be free to go." The Doctor finally walked out of the room and I felt like every emotion possible was going through my brain, relief, guilt, grief.

The silence in the room was so loud that I felt like I was gonna explode. Finally Hunter spoke, "want me to get you something?"

"Yes, water please?" I asked.

Once he got back he sat down next to my bed and gave me the water. "I was worried about you y'know." He said, "I would give you a lecture but, I will do that later. So are you going to tell Lev?" He asked. My heart sank as a realized what a I had to do. "We'll actually um.... It was... Jentzen's. But that's it ok I have never done it with anyone before that." "I love him, like I really do love him. We are in love and I was plannning on breaking up with Lev soon" I said, but a hunter didn't believe me.

Anyways a few days later I was out of the hospital and Hunter made me break up with Lev. And tell Jentzen everything. So about a week later after total recovery I invited Jentzen over. I heard a knock on the door and opened it. Jentzen walked in and we walked up to my room. Jentzen Immediately began asking question after question "Where have you been the last week and a half, I have been texting and calling you. I thought you were completely ignoring me. And I-" "Sit down," I said, we sat down on the edge of the bed and I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. "The last week and a half I have been in the hospital-" "WHAT-" "Let me finish! Okay?" I said. "So I was in the hospital because I was pregnant and had a miscarriage. I am so sorry, I didn't know that I was pregnant until just before the miscarriage." I said as I started tearing up.

"I am so sorry." I sobbed. "It's not your fault." He said as he hugged me. "I'm so sorry, so... whose is it? Lev's or mine." He said. I stopped and stared at him in anger and disbelief. "Are you serious right now? You are the only person I have ever done this with!" At that moment I felt so stupid. Maybe hunter was right, maybe he didn't love me.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know! So... we almost had a little baby pipes huh?" He said with a smirk. "That's not funny." I said as a laughed and playfully hit his arm. Jentzen reached over and wiped away my tears. I thought that in that moment we would be together forever. Especially since Lev was out of the way. But then the worst POSSIBLE thing happened.

Jentzens family had to move.
Back to Texas.
And just like that he was gone.

We tried the long distance thing but it just made me miss him more. Then after 5 months we knew that was it. That we were over. So that is how I lost my first love(Lev), and the love of my life(Jentzen) in less then a year.

I was single for about a month and made some new friends, I even got back together with Lev, I know I said I didn't love him anymore but he was my first love. That never really goes away. We told the fans that we just had scheduling issues the last few months and that is why we hadn't been together. Everyone bought it. Anyways things are almost back to how they used to be, I have Lev, I have a new squad, I of course have Emily and I am even friends with Gavin again.

Anyways now that I am caught up on the past year I am signing out
Oh and diary? I'll try to write to you more often.

Sincerely, Piper Rockelle

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