Chapter 30

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Siva sat at his desk, finishing up his work for the day. The station was mostly quiet, except for the night workers and guards. Siva looked up at the sound of heels click-clacking and saw Nicole's beautiful face. He gave her a smile, but was confused. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I have some news," she replied, walking closer.

"What is it?"

"I'm going to be staying in town," she quickly stated. Siva stated ahead for a minute before really understanding what she said.

"That's fantastic!" Siva exclaimed, hugging his girlfriend. "Hey... You know, if you wanted, maybe you could move into my place? I know it'd be sudden and we haven't really been together very long..."

Nicole shut up him with a gentle kiss on his parted lips. He smirked and returned the gesture, his arms wrapped around her waist. "I would love to move in with you," she whispered. And then their lips connected again.


Nathan walked along the yellow lit street, more alert than the last time he walked these roads alone. He got punched in the face last time. Nathan had no idea why he decided to walk instead of take his car. It took fifteen minutes to walk to the store and buy milk, and then another fifteen to walk back, but something about walking places drew him in. The car seemed too obvious and less adventurous. He also got more time to think when he walked.

The small jug of milk was in a plastic bag hanging from his wrist. His other hand was tapping his pocket knife anxiously. Nathan wasn't going to get knocked out tonight.

He heard footsteps behind him and turned around, only seeing a cat. He laughed at himself and turned around. "I'm sorry," the masked face said before he put something over Nathan's head.

Nathan tried to hit whoever it was, but without his vision he couldn't see anything. He heard a car squeal to a stop and felt something sharp prick his arm. Then he was falling, falling for ages in darkness before he finally awoke in a strange place.

Nathan's eyes fluttered open and he glanced around. He was sitting propped up against some pipes, and he was handcuffed to them. His free hand went up to his eyes and he rubbed the sleep from them. When Nathan looked up he was across the room. He wasn't a 'he' anymore... It was Chris.

"Why are you doing this?" Nathan asked, knowing it was pointless.

"I never meant to do any of this, but I'm afraid I'm in way too deep in my own mess to stop now," Chris replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I am sorry for everything I have done, but this had to happen."

"Kidnap me? It had to happen?"

"You don't understand. The Silent Death Syndicate is a dangerous gang to have around. They've been hanging a boulder over my head by a tiny string for years. In a second they could cut it and have it crush me."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"It all started with you. When you shot me, I was out of the gang. It is considered a shame if you even get a small cut from a cop. Either I got revenge... Or I was dead."

"So you killed my wife."

Chris sighed. "It's such a tiny string."

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