Chapter 41

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Max rings the doorbell and waits for someone to answer. Eventually the door is pulled open by Emma, who is in pajamas with messy hair. "Is Nathan ready to go? He still can't drive because of his concussion."

"He's, uh, he's not here."

"Then where the hell is he?" Max turned his head and noticed Nathan's car was gone.

"You should come inside," Emma replied, stepping back to let him in. She handed Nathan's phone to Max and told him to look at the messages.

"He went, didn't he?" Max asked as her turned to Emma. She nodded in reply.

"We have to go after him."

"I don't know if that's a good idea..."

"Emma, you know how cruel they are! Nathan has told you everything, hasn't he? He trusts you, and I trust him, but I can't let him just leave. I have to try and get him back."


Nathan focused on moving his legs. There were two men holding his arms, leading him to wherever they had to go. They had blindfolded him, so Nathan couldn't see, and it felt odd to be under the control of the gang.

The men pushed Nathan to the right and then sat him down. The blindfold was removed and Nathan found himself face to face with the Grim Reaper, well across a desk from each other. "Sorry about the blindfold," he said. "Safety precaution. Don't want anyone learning their way around this place."

"Not like it matters, you're going to kill me anyway," Nathan replied.

"Oh, I don't know if we'll kill you. We might put you in lots of pain, but killing you would just end the game quicker. I quite like a game that lasts a long time."

"I don't care, do whatever you want to me, just don't hurt my friends."

"That's what I like to hear. Oh, bring Chris in!" He shouted at the men standing by the door. They left the room for a moment, and when they appeared again they were pulling Chris in with them. They took off his blindfold and he looked at the Grim Reaper, and then at Nathan.

"Chris, how nice of you to join us," the Grim Reaper said with an evil grin.

"Fuck you," Chris muttered.

"Mind your language!" The Grim Reaper replied, laughing at himself.

"Gentlemen, I must share with you some information. You see, your friends of course won't just let you go, Nathan. Therefore, I need something that I can beat them with. They will bring the police and swat teams and my gang will not have a chance to win this battle. Now that I have you two, I can use you to my advantage."

The Grim Reaper stood up abruptly and left, the door closing loudly behind him.

"You shouldn't have come," Chris said, not looking at Nathan.

"I had to, they would have killed you..."

"You should have let me die!" Chris shouted. Nathan stared into his eyes. He wanted to save Chris, but maybe there was nothing left to save.

"I will get us out of this," Nathan coaxed, really trying to convince himself of the statement. "And if not, my friends will probably come to get me."

"They're good friends, you know. You're lucky to have them."

"Yeah, I guess I am."

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