Chapter 1

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Max's POV

My alarm clock buzzed at six thirty like it was supposed to. My arm extended out to turn it off on its own. I got up and went into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I could see the bags under my eyes from long nights at the precinct. I started brushing my teeth when my phone began to ring. I hit answer and put it to my ear. "Detective George," I said after spitting into the sink.

"It's me," Captain Al Ellisson answered.

"Hey Cap, what's up?"

"We've got a situation down at the mall, how fast can you guys get here?"

"Twenty minutes maybe, maybe twenty-five depending on how long Nathan takes."

"Alright, I'll see you then."

He hung up and I rushed out of the bathroom and flung my grey sweatpants - which was all I had on - aside. I pulled on a white button down shirt and then tucked it into my black pants. I texted all the boys telling them to be ready for me to pick them up. I tied my tie around my neck and pulled on my jacket. Our police force was one of those that made its high ranked workers dress formally. I wasn't complaining though, I'm single and ready to mingle, and girls like suits.

After pulling on my shoes I grabbed my keys off the counter in the kitchen of my third floor apartment. I took the elevator down and surprisingly got to ride alone. I waved to the girl working at the front desk, making her blush ever so slightly. My car was parked on the spot for my apartment and I started up the engine as soon as I closed the door.

I drove down the street to the building Tom lived in. It wasn't one of the nicer ones, but it was decent. He was planning to try and find something better more towards the center of town, where the richer and prettier stuff was. He was outside dressed and ready to go. He climbed in the passenger seat and buckled up. "How the hell can you stand it being so silent in here?" he asked, reaching to turn on the radio. We looked at each other as we heard the song, goofy grins spreading across our faces.

"And the trumpets they go!" we shouted together. We laughed and Tom pretended to play a trumpet.

I drove on to the nice suburbs, there were also the bad suburbs, but we had good jobs so we didn't live there anymore. Nathan's house was only a few down. It was a greenish grayish color with a sort of gloomy look to it. I honked the horn and then he came running out. He hopped in the back and slid over all the way behind me. "You really should sell your house mate," I said, looking at him through the mirror next to me.

"Yeah, it looks depressing," Tom added.

"I don't know, I just don't think anyone would buy a house that someone was murdered in."

We all grew quiet and the only sound was the radio. I drove back around where Tom and I lived, but maybe five blocks down to where Jay's flat was located. He was waiting outside as well. When he got in he looked around and then smiled. "So, it's Friday lads, should we do something tonight?"

"Of course we are Jay, when was there ever a Friday night that we didn't go out for some drinks?" I replied. Jay stuck his tongue out at me like a child.

"You going to come Nath?" Tom asked.

Nathan replied with a quick 'maybe' and shrugged. Siva was picked up finally and then it was off to the mall. The Captain was waiting by the front doors. Reporters and other people were standing behind yellow police tape all around the entrance. There was a small break in the crowd that the five of us walked through. We flashed our badges and they lifted the tape for us. The Captain gestured for us to follow him inside. He led us to a small fast food place by the food court.

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