
17 1 0

The three of them had told me I had some kind of power ... I already knew that because of the wall .
I drive to some kind of arena to see what I can do .There were a lot of mannequins, so I knew what to expect.
They made me wear some kind of suit.
They told me to focus on a mannequin and point my hand at it.
Suddenly the mannequin collapsed.
Wow, did I do that?
Bill tells me I need to hit harder as if that mannequin is a villain.
I gathered  my strength and pointed my hand at another mannequin. I burned it! Oh wow!
I've done this a few times, until a moment ...
I knocked down another mannequin, but instead of burning it, I made a big hole in his chest. Looks like I was stronger than I thought. I was wondering what else I could do. Could I shoot down several mannequins at once?

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