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The next day I came to the labs looking for the others because I couldn't find them  in the meeting room. I go to the cells and I see everyone standing in front of an empty cell .
I didn't know how Illusionism escaped. Think of all the possibilities as he could have escaped .
I and Allen look confused in each other's eyes. I was surprised   so the last thing you did was get close to the others.
I saw Bill looking at me in a strange way. Ignoring, I ask:
-What happened?
-Illusionism has escaped, says Allen .
-Omg, how ?!
-We do not know
After several minutes*
-We better get to work and try to find him with the help of the satellite,says Bill looking at me in a weird way I can tell.
The elevator can be heard.
Allen goes to see who he is.
She was a girl about my age.
Allen says:
-Y/n !! OMG, since I haven't seen you.
-Allen,OMG,how are you??
-I am very good,you?
-I'm fine, a little shaken after the road but good. I'm glad to see you.
And who are you? She held out her hand  to me.
-I am Alexis, delighted.
-So you're the girl with the power.
-How did you ...
-Allen told me about you, he's my best friend.

Suddenly the alarm rang, it was another robbery.

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