Ep 2: Search for the Tickets

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The day after the concert, 8:30 am

"As you heard last night, the pop idol of Wholhaiksong, Maya Nabi is going on hiatus for the time being to start back on climbing the tower again. This come as surprise to us and all her fans, but here is some good news, folks. She put on her final show by the end of the month, so get your tickets early before they sell out. You have three days to get them, but hurry there are going quick. Speaking of tickets, all regulars there these seven specials' tickets each to get in the arena earlier after you fight a ranker and two Jahad Princesses, you get to ride these babies."

"This ride you see here is only for ticket users only, so if------"

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"This ride you see here is only for ticket users only, so if------"

The T.V. was turn off by Nobic. He sighs as he turns to everyone in the living room, who also saw the news. He sat down on the couch between Dan and Verdi. "So, we got to fight seven people just to get one ticket, huh? Sounds like they're not going to make this easy for us." He spoke.

"And two of the tickets are in the hands of two of Jahad Princesses which means we need to be careful if we run into one of them. They want to make this difficult for us and are setting us up to an early grave. Wonder who are the two they pick?" Pan-Pan said, busy typing on her keyboard on her white lighthouse.

Endorsi was sitting on one of Pan-Pan lighthouses drinking bubble tea. "It's pretty obvious who it is, it those two twins, Lilial & Shilial. They're setting up a trap for us just like they did back in the Name Hunt Station."

Pan-Pan shook her head. "Nope. It's not them because if it were, we would be fighting them right now. Plus, I checked, and they're not here. I only got one, Jaina Repelista Jahad. But she won't appear in person but as a hologram, which I find strange since she has no rank at all. They're not much info on her and I can't find any info on the second one. Xia Xia, you got anything?"

"No, nothing on the second one on my end either. Geez, it's like she doesn't want to be known at all. Which makes it even more stressful since we can't figure out who she is." Xia Xia took her glasses off and look over at the group. "Our only choice is that we make sure we don't run into her..."

"Which is impossible given that we don't know what she looks like. Heck, we don't even know if she is from one of 10 Great Families and that makes it even worse." Said Wangnan who was sitting on the ground beside Pan-Pan, annoyed at this.

"Or maybe that what she wanted." Everyone turns to Lauroe who woke up from his sleep. "They know who we are, so it is no surprise that they planned this since they found out we're climbing the tower again. They might pull some tricks to catch us off guard. Remember what happen to Endorsi back in the Name Hunt Station, she got her name taking by Kaiser and lost...."

"Hey, no need to bring up what happened in the past! That was my worst moment!" Endorsi shouted at him.

Anaak smirked at this and said this. "Yeah, it was, and guess who had to come and fix your mess?"

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