EP 3: A special ticket from the princess

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8:49 pm, back at the apartment

"What?! a Ranker was killed?! But, how?!" Maya asked after getting back from her photoshoot job with Endorsi and eating dinner with the group.

"We're as shock as you are. We didn't think it happen this fast and we just planned out everything when you two left from plan A to C. I would never expect a ranker to be killed just for one ticket, but I don't think we are dealing with a normal regular here, which is why we regrouped quickly. Whoever it was, they must be a dangerous team we are dealing with in the upcoming test. We have to be on guard at all costs." Pan-Pan said, taking a sip of her wine.

The members of Wolhaiksong were also with them hearing everything. Urek was taking as much info in before turning to Hachuling. "Hey, you were out early, right? Did you see any team that looked out of place or gave off bloodlust when you were busy sending information to Pan-Pan?"

Hachuling shook his head no. "Sorry, can't say. All the teams and rankers seem to check out well when I was hacking into the system to get the info. If I did find anyone that was suspicious, I would let you guys know."

"There is a rumor going around about that lady's relationship with the other four rankers. From what I heard around, she and the cyborg guy didn't get along very well. They hated each other to death. Turns out, she the reason our little robot holder is the way he is today," Quant said.

"That would explain why she was killed but where would he find the time to kill her? The ticket hunting started today. Unless he bribed a team to help him in his plan by giving them a powerful weapon, we have no proof if that's the case." Lero-Ro said.

"Nor do we know if he's even involved in this. After all, people were busy getting tickets for Maya's final concert," Yuje said. He turns on the T.V. to see the news. "Ah, they're talking about it right now."

Endorsi was staring out the window, watching as the sunset goes down. "So, that means there are only six tickets left. This means everybody is going to become desperate to get those tickets now that the first one is already taking. Guess we got no choice, but to face them. Tomorrow is the last day to get them and afterward, that is it."

"I guess we got no time to waste then. While we all agree to try to avoid challenging them, we just got to face them." Nobic said.

"However, because of what happened today, the other rankers are taken no chances and it more difficult. Who knows what they would do now this happen" Pan-Pan said looking over at Maya, who had a worried look on her face. "Maya, tomorrow if we don't get one of those special tickets...We are going with your plan next as a last-ditch effort."

Dan rubs his head worriedly. "I don't know about this, isn't there any other way to avoid this without putting Maya in danger?"

"Tomorrow is the last day, we don't have time to come up with another plan. Besides, if we want to get into the early rides to the test stadium, we need that one ticket." Wangnan said leading on the wall.

Urek stood up, catching everyone's attention. "While you guys are busy with the hunt, we will be investigating the deceased and see if we can find some important clues to find the culprits before they strike again when we least expect them, then we will try our best to keep them away. This is your last chance, use it wisely."

Everyone agreed on the plan and after finishing their meals went to bed early.

Late at night, 1:30 am

Pan-Pan's Room

Inside her lighthouse, Pan-Pan is doing her little investigation. She couldn't sleep. The whole thing bothering her as she was researching the dead ranker's history, relationships, anything that will help.

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