EP 4: A Graceful soul and true feelings.

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With the war over and the rescue mission complete, Bam and the others are back on the train and back on track to climbing the tower. Although, the battles and war had drained them emotionally, and hoping to catch up with their comrades.

But first, they need to pass a test to become B-regulars to get to the next floor. All they have to do is destroy some targets. But words have been going around that there is a secret test that can be taken instead of the one that's been set up. Whether the rumors are true or not, it does spike some interest.

Right now, they need to prepare themselves mentally, emotionally, and physically. Khun has been doing some research and was almost done with the work. He took a break and stretch his arm out and check on Bam in the other room when an ad pops up on his screen about a concert on the next floor.

'Diamond Concert: Get the tickets NOW! Say Goodbye to our Number 1 Idol!

The Butterfly Songstress!'

'Butterfly Songstress? Huh, so there is someone better than Ha Yura? I might do some researching on her.'

Just as he was about to, the group walked in. Khun looked up from the screen at them. "Hey, guys. Are you okay Bam? How's Jinsung doing?" "He asked.

"I'm fine and he's resting right now. I'm glad we saved him before we were too late. Still, I don't think we see the last of Maschenny. Even though I wanted to go after her, my master and my friends come first." Bam told him, smiling, yet Khun can see through it that Bam was emotionally stressed from all that has happened.

"That's true. However, we better not let our guard down. Just because we won the war, does not mean we can relax. Their still some members from the war that escaped, and we need to look out for them" Khun said.

"I'll say, that was the most dangerous mission I ever been on in my life. Glad we are finally going up again, I never thought I miss taking a test. It's been so long. I hope we meet up with the others soon." Shibisu said relaxing on the couch, sighing. "But I hope Endorsi and Anaak are staying out of trouble once we meet up with them again."

Hatz, who was focused on his sword training, looked over and spoke. "What do you expect, those two wouldn't stay out of a fight, even if we were around. The only thing I care about is getting our money back from Pan-Pan since she with them."

"Oh right, I forgot! That damn sneaky rat took our money!" Shibisu said angrily. "When I get my hands on her---"

"I hope Maya is alright, too. I haven't been able to keep in touch with her since I was on a mission to rescue Deng Deng and Louie. She must be wondering what happens to us. I should message her to let her know we're ok and are on our way." Bam told them.

Hockney agreed. "Yeah, and to make sure she's ok herself. I mean remember when we last saw her..."

"Wait, did something happen to Maya while I was out?" Khun asked surprised.

Oh right! Khun didn't know about Maya's breakdown while he was in a coma. Bam only told him she looked after him the whole time during the first part of the war.

"Uh, well she's fine the last time I contacted her, though it was a year ago. But I had to ask Pan-Pan to take her away after my first fight with Kallavan because she was not in the right state of mind after what happened to you. She asked about you a lot, wondering if you were awake. Maya was really worried about you." Bam told him.

"When we meet up with her again, I should thank her. That girl is a pure soul." Khun smiled, thinking about her.

"Lady Turtle wasn't the only one looking after you Blue Turtle, I had to protect both of you when they came to try to take you away!" Rak shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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