General Promts...

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1) Celebration of a character's birthday. There are many characters that don't give much value to birthdays or rather a celebration for them in general. So give them a party and much needed fluff!

2) People forgetting a character's birthday. This is the least seen idea in almost every fandom and if you're a good angst writer, this promt bloody hurts because man..... Not getting a wish hurts...

3) A beach day vacation. Could take any turn. Does a grouchy character enjoy themselves? Is someone afraid of water? Do people thirst over a character? Does someone almost drown? You never know....

4) A sick fic about a character that never gets sick. Are they fussy? Do they hide it? What do they do when groggy from sleep or are they needy for attention?

5) Gender bend. A lot can change with the change in a characters gender! A lot more opportunities open for representation of couples or attributes in general!

6) Crying while watching sappy movies. LISTEN OK, you see that rough and touch character!? That Wooden log of a character, made of steel and titanium of a character. Imagine them crying over a tragic romances or a dog dying in a movie. LET THEM HAVE EMOTIONS ON DISPLAY!

7) Characters watching their own series/anime/movies/drama etc. A lot of times when fantasy elements are involved this idea creates a lot of opportunities for a fix-it fic or reconciliation fic. It will work hella good for an emotional roller-coaster because they're reacting to their own story and the parts of it they haven't seen or others don't know.

8) Injuries. A character's behavior during injuries creates a good plot for change in environment. Also in combination to another ailment it can cause more tension in the fic. Low blood pressure and hypothermia. Anemia and bleeding wounds. You get the gist.

9) Drunk. That's it do what you will with it. Like imagine a character you can never imagine do something doing exactly that because they're drunk. Prank calls, pole dancing, laughing hysterically and passing out, crying over something silly or dancing like crazy.

10) Drunk but with angst. Ya know if a character is hiding a secret or are mourning in private and bottling emotions or regret a vital decision they took or a character has a bad past they are hiding..... Yeah drunk people have hella lose lips...

11) Unrequited feelings. Usually in every fic it's not really unrequited but it does happen. Imagine a character actually not reciprocating another's feelings. How will they live with it? How will they react? Will they chase or will they move on?

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