Series Introduction

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Hello! This is a new series that I will start and I called it the "Immortal Series" !!!! There will be different DC ships in this. I started writing this since my first au, which is "Take care of me" is nearly ending. I originally was gonna start a new au that is by chapters but I wanted to explore different stories and ships. So, I created this series! 

Basically, this will contain any immortal thing there. It may include Vampires, Wolves, Dragons, Reincarnations, Grim Reapers, and such. Just anything that is probably not mortal will fall into this. (Unless I will actually write something that is immortal related but its by chapters) 

These are basically a collection of one-shots but they fall under one category so I created this series. 

This was inspired by Reinaery's Immortal (go and give it a listen. its a great song). And we're gonna start it off with Dadong! My main inspiration for this was the song and Dadong came to mind first.

So I hope you enjoy reading! I'll probably post the second part after I finish my first au. But for now, while waiting for the next chapters of it, I'll give you this!

Keep in mind!
This has no correlation to any events that happened, is happening, or will happen!

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