1: Soon, I'll be with you again (DaDong)

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Yubin will always love Handong. And Handong will always find a way to come back to Yubin. They first met in a vast meadow, with the scorching sun shining bright, the wind blowing so reverently as if it knew that they were there. No matter how much they love each other, although, they can’t. It’s not allowed. Handong was a princess in the Goryeo Dynasty. She was betrothed to a crown prince, who will be king once they get married. Handong doesn’t want to. Her heart only belongs to one person, and that’s Yubin. 

Under a tree, Handong was lying down on Yubin’s lap, facing away from her. 

“I don’t want to do this, Yubin. I don’t even love him. We only met twice, yet here I am getting married to him.” Handong sat up and grabbed Yubin’s hands while kneeling. 

“Let’s run away, Yubin. Only you and me. Somewhere no one knows us.” Yubin unraveled her left hand to Handong’s to caress her cheek.’

“I want to, Handong. You have no idea how much I wanted to just take you away. But, this is what we’re fated to do. I know you don’t want to disappoint your parents, Handong. Don’t worry. I’ll watch you from afar. It will hurt, I know. I want to be selfish. But, not like this. I love you and I promise, in another life, we’ll be together.” Handong kissed the palm of the hand that was holding her cheek. Being a princess was useless. She doesn’t even have any significant power over people because the prince and kings always had the authority. Yes, she had servants. But she doesn’t want to abuse her power over them. They’re people too and they’re in the palace because they don’t have any choice. 

After the sunset, they separately went to their respective places. Handong was scolded a lot, asking her where she was, but she didn’t answer. It’s okay if she gets shouted at like this, as long as she spent her time with Yubin. 

Their marriage soon enough took place. Yubin, as she promised, watched Handong from afar. She looked so ethereal, so magnificent, and how she wished she was the one beside Handong instead of that man. But Handong doesn’t deserve her. She’s a mere commoner who was having a hard time finding something to eat. She wanted to become selfish. She wanted Handong all for herself. But how will she be someone who Handong could depend on when she can’t even provide for herself? So, she watched the love of her life, get married to a man that Handong doesn’t even look at. She’s sure that Handong met her eyes once. She saw sadness in Handong’s eyes. How she wishes to take it away, how she wishes it was her instead because she knows Handong will radiate happiness if it was. 

Handong also saw the sadness in Yubin’s eyes. As she met her eyes once, it was like she was screaming for her. At that moment, Handong wanted to run to Yubin’s arms and just be there forever. She wanted to take Yubin’s hand and just run away endlessly until they’re the only people in this world. But, here she is. Hand in hand with a man she doesn’t even know, who only wanted her because of the crown. 

They did their said “marital duties” and her “husband” left her there. Completely hopeless, disgusted. Handong wanted to remove the image of that man from her head. He wasn’t even careful and gentle as she requested. He fucked her as if she was a toy and just left her there to do it again with the servants. Handong knows. That her “husband” sought pleasure from other people. She didn’t care about that since her mind was also consumed by a different person. She wished it was Yubin instead. She’s sure that Yubin will treat her gently, touch her softly, hold her carefully as if she’s made out of glass, and look at her as if she’s the most precious thing in this world. 

Because it is. For Yubin, Handong is the most magnifest and most precious in her life. Even if she had tons of gold and all the riches, it won’t compare to Handong. She’s the prettiest being that Yubin has laid eyes on, the ethereal and elegant beauty that she radiates is what brought Yubin’s heart to beat for her. And Handong did the same. They don’t know how it happened but when Yubin met Handong’s eyes for the first time, she fell in it. 

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