Even if I lose you (SiYoo)

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TW: Death

This is the 3rd part of the Immortal Series!

Siyeon has never been afraid of her identity. Being a wolf means that her life was always at stake because of the hunters. But she met Yoohyeon, a fellow wolf, and she was determined to protect her from everything. 

They both can transform back to humans. In their human form, Siyeon is a journalist while Yoohyeon is an architect. They worked just to provide for their food, rent and clothes. Their house was usually empty because they always wander in the forest at night. Meeting with the moon, the connection that they feel with it and with each other, it’s a feeling that both of them kept coming back to every night. Siyeon was a white wolf with grey lines of fur. The attraction that Yoohyeon felt from Siyeon was because of her blue eyes. They were beautiful and they would shine bright under the moonlight. Yoohyeon, on the other hand, was a black wolf with green eyes. It was hypnotizing for Siyeon and she can’t help but to be drawn every time by Yoohyeon’s eyes. 

It was hard. Finding a safe place for them to wander and connect with the moon was difficult. The hunters would find them eventually and they can’t help but escape. Siyeon is not afraid to lose her life. But she’s afraid of leaving Yoohyeon alone. The younger had a weaker heart than her. Yoohyeon was brave but when it comes to Siyeon, her vulnerability shows. 

“I don’t want you to get hurt, Siyeon.” While on their shared bed, Siyeon looked at Yoohyeon and caressed her cheek.

“I won’t, okay? Just promise me you’ll be safe too.” Yoohyeon nodded and snuggled closer to Siyeon. Hearing the beating heart of her girlfriend assured Yoohyeon that Siyeon is alive and real. She likes it when they’re in their wolf form because Siyeon’s heart pounds louder and her warmth is spreading all over her. 


Every time they go home from work, they go to the forest to play and release all the pent-up stress and energy that they contain. Now running through the woods, Siyeon is much faster than Yoohyeon. She looked back and waited for Yoohyeon to catch up with her. 

“You’re too fast, Siyeonnie.” The older wolf howled and said,

“You’re just slow, Yoohyeonnie.” After that, Yoohyeon stepped closer to snuggle the tip of her nose to Siyeon’s.

“I’m happy with you, Siyeon. I hope you know that.” Siyeon nodded.

“I know, Yooh. I very much know.” After watching the moon in each other’s embrace, they both transformed back to their human form. They can’t afford to be seen as their wolf forms when they walk outside the forest. Now hand in hand, they walked back to their car to drive home. Yoohyeon fell asleep on their way home so Siyeon had to carry her. She didn’t have the heart to wake her girlfriend up, not when she’s drooling and sleeping peacefully. When she laid Yoohyeon down, the younger wolf clutched on Siyeon’s shirt. 

“Don’t go, please.” Yoohyeon said sleepily. Siyeon carefully removed the hand that was clutching her shirt and gave a kiss on Yoohyeon’s forehead while stroking her hair.

“I’ll just change, okay? I’ll be back.” Yoohyeon mumbled something that Siyeon couldn’t quite catch. She quickly changed since she didn’t want Yoohyeon to wait, and changed Yoohyeon’s clothes into comfortable ones. Sliding her arm under Yoohyeon’s head and tucking her close to her chest, small and soft snores were heard from her girlfriend. 

“Goodnight, Yoohyeonnie. Let’s look at the moon together again tomorrow.”


Bora and Gahyeon were humans, but they know about Yoohyeon and Siyeon’s identities. They didn’t see the wolves as any different beings and just accepted them wholeheartedly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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