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Yanna's Point of r View

"I don't like that so Urghhhh!" I am refering that to Charlie guy

"Does he cute?" Ara asked me

"Huh!? What the no! He's not ever" I grimace "he's so boastful"

"Well, just asking" she shrugged her shoulder "Maybe you can tame him with your..." She point me "your... Uhm being psychologist? You know?..."

Tame? What does she thinking? Well that sounds a plan but I do really hate even just talking to him.

"Yan you can practice your psyche knowledge to him" Ahra breathe deeply "Who knows he isn't bad at all. And, you told me you're friends with those campus heartthrob? It's your time to shine girl. Look you can refer one for me too",She smile naughtily

"So you want me to be close to em' so that—" she cutted my sentence. As always. But I am like, smiling

"Nooooooo! Not like that!" She screamed "uhm... Just a bonus" she smile sweetly

I just shake my head. She's really funny


The thing that I don't like in school is the early class. I need to get ready. What I and Ahra talked about yesterday flashes on my mind. Maybe I really go out of my shell.

I saw our driver outside waiting for me on the door of a brand new car. I don't even know what model it is. But I just sàw that on Instagram. Posted by Miyako, my grandma's business partner's son.

Miyako loves cars. Well he could buy anything because he's working on his own.

"Robert! Please get our oldest model car. I prepared to use that"

"But mam sir Miyako called earlier. He wants you to use this one for service" why do I use that.... Oh wait what?

"Don't tell me he bought that car for me?"

Robert scratch his neck "ahhh yes mam it's from him"

"What!?" What does Miyako thinking now? We will talk later "get the old one I want to use the old one. That's hot on bad people's eyes" I just said. But true. I have to be careful now because of what happened before

"Give me the keys Robert" I said. I got a drivers license. On a short period of time I did many things. He look like he isn't too convenient "I can handle this. Don't worry" finally he gave me the keys.

I drove on the way to school.

I parked my car on the parking lot at school. But the security lead me to the parking lot of the faculties. I said not to but that's an order so I had no choice.

I am 30min early for the class today. As I am walking on the hallway I saw some people saying hi to me as if we're close. I don't even know them so I refuses to reply.

When I get into my place, I  felt many eyes looking at me. Why do they? Crazy. I intensely stare back to the girl staring at me. She gave up and turn around with rolling her eyeballs. Freak! What's ya problem!

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