First "I love you"

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Pretend Confection "I love you" doesn't count


-you may be one of the best ninja around but that doesn't mean your not clumsy
-you were helping Kakashi with naruto sasuke and Sakura's training
-everything was going well until you were sparring with Naruto and got caught in a trap Kakashi had set weeks earlier for Naruto
-Naruto claimed he'd dismantled all the traps but apparently not
-you we're hanging upside down by your foot that was caught in a noose
-Naruto and Sakura weren't helping in fact they were just watching and laughing
-sasuke would have helped but didn't feel like cleaning up naruto's mess
-so you were stuck dangling from a tree with no help from kakashi's students
-your only choice: demand that Kakashi help you
-"Kakashi!!! Get me down!!" You whined while Naruto was on the ground laughing his ass off
-"but this is rather entertaining" Kakashi laughed
-"stop laughing and help me!" You shouted
-you would've gotten your self down but you agreed not to keep your self armed whiled training the underlings
-so you didn't have a blade on you and Kakashi set the trap to where you couldn't untie yourself
-Kakashi smiled walking up to you as you kicked your feet and flailed your arms
-"Kakashi get me down this instant! or I swear!!" You screamed thrashing around
-"you swear you'll what?" Kakashi questioned amused after sending Naruto Sakura and sasuke to train on there own
-"I swear that I'll!- Ill!- I won't talk to you until you get me down!!" You threatened Kakashi smiled
-"alright alright stay still" Kakashi laughed untying the ropes you were hanging from
-he caught you before you landed on the ground
-"I love you" Kakashi chuckled shaking his head as your cheeks turned pink


-gaara asked Temari about what usual couples do after he didn't relize what Valentine's Day was
-he felt bad after you explained it to him but you assured him it wasn't his fault
-even so he talked with Temari asking for relation ship advice sence he didn't quite pay any attention to that kinda stuff til he started dating you
-he knew how hard you were trying to make things easy on him sence he'd never been in a relationship before
-he felt bad that you were trying so hard while he was ignorant so he had a long confusing talk with Temari
-he didn't understand half of what she told him but tried his best to make sense of it all
-one day you seemed more tired that usual
-the night before you stayed up walking with gaara to a near by town for a mission
-you were exhausted from walking two days strait with out sleep
-gaara decided that you two should probably make camp so you could get some sleep
-he didn't want you passing out half way threw the desert in the middle of no where
-gaara was sitting up watching the surrounding area while you were nodding in and out of conciseness
-"lie down" gaara said "you'll fall if you pass out sitting up like that"
-"fine" you complied lying down using gaara's lap as a pillow
-"(u) I can't be comfortable" gaara said lifting his hands so he wasn't touching you
-"but you are..." you whispered tiredly
-you had to admit gaara was much more comfortable than the sand
-"I-..." gaara smiled untenseing him self you were almost completely asleep
-"I love you" gaara whispered just before you lost consciousness
-but a soft smile still appeared on your lips


-sasuke was in a real rotten mood
-he beat Naruto in class but he had to try rather hard
-he realized that Naruto was actually stronger than he thought and it annoyed him
-"sasuke wait up your walking too fast" you said quickly following after sasuke as he stormed down the side walk
-sasuke stoped walking so you could catch up and when you did you had to admit the glare on his face was pretty nerve racking
-"s-sasuke are you o-" sasuke turned and rested his forehead on your shoulder
-you froze
-"sas-" "I love you..." sasuke blurted
-your face turned pink 
-you didn't expect him to be so blunt
-you Couldn't help but smile tho "I love you too sasuke"


-you just got a new puppy and we're all over it
-you took the little pup every where you went
-Kiba was getting jealous that you were paying more attention to the dog than him
-even akamaru was jealous
-Kiba sulked as you smothered the dog in love
-his face was becoming red from jealousy
-you only noticed this after akamaru subtlety pointed it out to you
-you thought Kiba pouting was adorable
-"I love you Kiba" you giggled putting your puppy down for the first time sence youv gotten (him/her)
-kinda just blushed averting his gaze from you
-"yeah I love you too..."

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